The Comeback

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As you stepped off the boat and onto land you instantly went to run for Takashi but a pair of strong arms caught you. You look up at Peter who's face seems slightly pale. "Peter let go of me!" You shout in rage but his arms keep a fair grip on you, even though you're struggling like mad, kicking and flailing your arms everywhere.

"I can't let you." He simply says as his eyes start to redden as if he's about to cry. "I would, but I won't." You calm down slightly but you still weakly struggle, tears streaming down your face as you still want to reach out the Takashi really badly.

"We have more important circumstances to deal with than Takashi." Saeko states as she points her sword at Rei's floating body that lamely float on the calm waves, blood turning the blue water red. "When Takashi is ready, if ever, he will come back and face up to his mistakes like a man." You sigh at her words even though you know they're true. You stop wriggling and Peter let's you go, his face still pale white, if not turning any whiter than it was a few seconds ago. "With Rei gone we have one less person and seeing as Takashi has gone we are now temporarily missing one more person, meaning we're two people down." She announces and you look at the sand, kicking it as you feel uncomfortable and awkward standing still. "We're going to have to find another way to make our progress faster."

Suddenly your legs start moving and you find yourself running in the direction Takashi ran off. Your vision is slightly blurry as your eyes have tears in the with what had just happened in the last few minutes. The faint sound of Peter's voice can be heard behind you but you carry on running, knowing you have to get Takashi back because without him... you're nothing but a helpless person who can't function properly.

After entering the small amount of trees on the island you stop and lean against a tree to catch your breath. As you do so your eyes won't continue to hold back the tears and you find yourself on the floor, your head in your hands. The thought of Takashi's harsh words towards you makes you doubt yourself.


He knocks it off while crying and you look at him shocked. "I think- I think it would be best if we split up, I don't want you to get involved in all of this." Takashi chokes and you lie there annoyed but upset as well.

"We've been through all this shit and now you want to break up?" You ask as a tear drips down your face.

"This is life or death, and if you get in the middle of this then... then you could be in danger just on this island." Takashi stands up and walks towards the door. "I know you like her, if you want to go out with her then go ahead."


As that memory enters your mind the tears continuously fall with no intention to stop. "What if Peter does like me? Why am I chasing after Takashi?" You start to question yourself as the tears drip into your mouth which causes a salty taste to enter your mouth.

You sigh before sniffling and standing up again with all your effort. "It's because he still cares for me." You remind yourself as you lean on the tree to support you unstable state. "And I care for him, I will never stop doing so." You stagger forward, only to fall down once again and scratch your legs on nettles close by. But the pain meant nothing, you were in too much pain already to give a shit about a little sting or scratch because you were clumsy. "TAKASHI!!" You wail out helplessly in a wreck as you kneel defeated amongst the nettles.

Somehow your tears continue to fall and your heart feel like it's slowly breaking, like someone is clutching onto it and bit by bit is splitting it just to make you feel like shit. "What's the point in living anymore?" You ask yourself and your heart only breaks a bit more as your despair to find Takashi grows more and more yet you find yourself unable to move. Only bad memories flood into your mind and you find it hard to want to live anymore. You already know that you'll die anyway so there can't be much of a reason to attempt to live.

Your stomach rumbles as the sky turns a red into a grey, slowly transforming in a dark. The thunder rumbles and soon it starts raining, causing your whole body to shiver as the coldness slides up your body. Your body trembles as you shiver and the water soaks into your skin. The rain only gets worse and you realise that you are surrounded in complete darkness, maybe a circumference of 2 meters around you is visible but beyond that, there's nothing, just emptiness which looks like you could fall into it and never return, just continuously fall down into hell... if this place isn't classed as hell already. "(Y/N)?" You hear a voice next to you and as you turn around you see a shining figure that illuminates leaves around you.

As you look closely, your clothes now completely stuck to you and your hair drenched, you realise you recognise the woman. "Mum, what... why... how are you... alive?" You manage to say with some great amount of will and your eyes start to close as your body slowly shuts itself down.

"I'm here to guide you in the right direction. You're being a fool crying over a boy that broke your heart." She leans towards you and places her hand on your shoulder, but you feel nothing. "I'm sure that as a Mum I always told my daughter that boys aren't to be trusted unless they prove they can be trusted. And now that you have broken my word, you have to face the consequences of the pain of a heartbreak." You look up at your Mum's face and it turns from kindness to anger. "I never wanted a daughter in the first place and had something like you. I knew a girl would only bring trouble." Her face starts to melt into a skeleton-like figure that moves slowly and mist surrounds her body which says death.

"No.. no... please." You beg as your legs finally work, flinging you back out of the nettles and towards the sand again. "I didn't mean for this to happen." If you had any more tears you would have cried about the words your Mum said to her and having to see her face transform into something horrific.

"(Y/N)." My Mum chanted over and over again as she crawled towards you, her eyes falling to the ground and her hair falling out. "Stop moving away. It's me." You continued to back away until you were in the water which made no difference to you as you were already soaked through because of the rain, so you continued moving back into the water until there was blackness as you head was completely submerged in water.

As your eyes open the first thing you see is a semi naked Takashi who's sitting next to where you lie, his hair wet and his whole body shaking like mad. "Finally, you're awake." He mutters while yawning and looking up at you as you look down at yourself as you realise that you have been stripped down into your underwear. "I won't lie, you scared me when I saw you talking to yourself in the middle of nettles and when you backed away from me into the water as a wave hit you." He smiled lightly but he was becoming too tired to even keep his eyes open. "I'm just glad to see that you're okay." His head hangs and before you can say anything he's asleep.

Sooooo this may have been a bit deep...oops

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