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As you and Takashi made your way outside you realised that the snow was falling fairly heavily and that it was freezing, meaning Takashi wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into his body to keep you warm. "It's so pretty." You say holding out your hand so snowflakes can land and melt on your hand. You feel his breath on your hair and shiver slightly before placing one hand on his as you notice Saeko patrolling the shore, pacing up and down. "I think something is wrong with Saeko." You look up at Takashi and he kisses your nose.

"We'll see if she's okay then." He releases you and holds your hand as you both walk towards Saeko. "Saeko!" He waves towards her and she glares at us, her face looking agitated. "What's happened?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"What will happen is what you should ask you idiot." She says staring him in the eyes. "And the answer is that this sea will freeze and then we'll be easy to attack if those walkers can get over here." She points at the bodies on the other side of the sea that are aimlessly wandering around. "We need a meeting... now." She orders you as she finally glances at you.

"Ok, I'll get them here now." You squeeze Takashi's hand before running towards the cabins and knocking on all the doors loudly. "Meeting now!" You shout and you hear a few groans and the odd mumbling but you blank it, your hands becoming numb as the coldness bites at them.

You quickly run into your cabin and grab you gloves before running outside again and hurrying everyone towards where Saeko and Takashi stand. "Hurry up... this is important." Peter was the first to reach him and you doubted that he was actually asleep when you knocked to wake everyone up.

You feel someone cling to your leg and as you look down you notice Hirano crying into your leg and your mind fuzzles over. "What are you doing?" You ask him as you try to walk.

"I can't walk. Take me to them." He whines as he clings to your leg tighter and you start to think that your circulation in your leg will stop.

"Hirano! Stand up! I know that you're lighter before as you've lost weight but I have no energy to drag you through this snow." He complains as he releases your leg but he does eventually stand up and slowly walk towards the rest... with a bit of your help.

As you reach the others you push forward so you can see and Saeko clears her throat. "Listen up! We don't have much time left before this sea freezes over and those bastards can get over here and attack us." Everyone's eyes divert to the other side of the sea where zombies wander around, savaging for any meat they can find. "We'll need to be on alert 24/7 if they do start to come over and more people will need to be on watch." You feel Takashi's arm wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him and your head lolls onto his chest. "This may be good practice for you if you want to work on aim with throwing knives." She holds up her own knife and there are a few mutters.

"Can't we just break the ice?" Peter suggests and everyone nods.

You speak up quickly as you had a faint idea that this would happen. "If we break the ice while it's thin then we may risk the ice breaking underneath us yet if we wait then it will be too thick to actually break." Everyone's eyes rest on you as you talk and you shift uncomfortably. "I'm just saying... we'll have to have defences." You clear your throat and hide behind Takashi slightly and everyone mumbles.

"(Y/N) is right." Hirano sighs as he watches the zombies wander backwards and forwards. "We can only defend and to be honest... we'll be surrounded." Everyone starts to look down, their hair all wet from the snow melting on it after it lands on their head.

"Hirano and (Y/N) are right... we may have to move from the island to somewhere else while it's snowing and while it's cold." Saeko announces as she clutches her gun tighter than before, raising it up into the air "We will survive!"She shouts and you all cheer. You jump up and down to keep warm and for the first time your heart truly rests... but you know things can only get worse.

Everyone slowly gets back to bed apart from you, Takashi and Hirano. "We'll keep watch first." Takashi states, glancing at you and smiling.

You grab your gun and lie on the snow that has stayed on the floor. You sigh and hang your head as you shiver from head to toe. "Babe, are you okay?" Takashi asks squatting down next to me.

"Takashi... I'm fine, don't worry." Your teeth start to chatter and Takashi laughs slightly, throwing the blanket that was next to him over you.

"Stay warm." He climbs under it as well and makes sure that he's close to you. "I don't want you to die of a cold." He laughs and I smiles at him.

"I'll be fine... don't you worry about me."

Highschool of the dead (Takashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now