Runaway - Part 1

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As Takashi leapt through the air and landed on the car, you managed to shoot a zombie reaching for his legs. "Thanks." He climbs inside with the girl to safety while you wait for Saeko to get back on.

When she clambered back on and got in, you were driven away, clinging onto to outside holding your gun to your chest. You hit zombie by zombie until there were no more in your way. "Y/N!" Takashi shouts from inside. "We're heading in the water, probably would be best if you got back in the car." You slide in, gun still to your chest, your heart beating because of an adrenaline rush.

As you enter the car you realise that there was no space to sit down. "Where am I meant to sit?" You ask looking out of the window at the streets ahead.

"You can sit on my knee i you want?" Takashi follows your gaze and you blush.

"Was that meant to be sarcastic or were you serious?" Takashi faces you, his face seems serious. "I guess that's a yes." He moves your hand and you sit down.

Listening to his heavy breathing as you sit down, you relax. The rocking of the car makes you feel unsteady so you grab onto his shirt for support. "Y/N? Are you okay?" He whispers for only you to hear. You nod and briefly look into his eyes. "You seem nervous." He carries on whispering.

"You can't blame me, it's a zombie apocalypse and..." You go to say something but you stop yourself from embarrasing yourself.

"And?" You look at the girl infront of you and smile. "And you're sitting on my knee? Is that it." You rejoin the convorsation and look at him, one eyebrow up.

"What's sitting on your knee got to do with it?" You try to become a good actress for once but your face turns warm.

"Well, you're blushing for a start and you've been like this around only me. Just stating the facts." Inside, you punch yourself for being so obvious and you look down, interested in your gloves all of a sudden. "Come on." His warm breath still tickles your ear as his warm breath breathes on it.

"Ok, so maybe I do like you but..." He places his finger on your lips to silence you and you obey, looking at his face.

"No need to explain, I understand." The car jolts and water sprays through the hole in the roof as we enter the water, hoping the zombies won't catch us.

"Hirano, you go up with Alice and Takagi." Liam orders as he looks out of the window. "It will give us more space inside and you can inform us on what is happening." Takagi reluctantly follows Hirano and Alice up to the top of the car leaving you to slide off Takashi's and sit next to him.

"Row row row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily, like a cup of tea." You hear Hirano and Alice singing from above you. It reminds you of when you were a kid and your mum and dad always used to sing to you. Your brother thought it was stupid but you found it fun, and entertaining, that's probably one of the only memories you have with your parents. You feel a hand on your shoulder and you jump.

"Hey, it's okay." You feel a tear slide down your cheek from your memory you just had.

"Sorry." You wipe the tear away and smile, trying to look like nothing happened. "I promised myself that I would keep strong and never cry, but I just broke that promise. I don't want to be that person who is needy, I want to be the person who supports everyone else. I didn't want to tell anyone about my problems, but I'm telling you them now." Before you could help yourself another tear rolled down your cheek, but you didn't wipe it away. "I hated life before this all started, but now I want that life back. I hate life more now than I did then. Even though I don't have to put up with my stressed parents and my annoying brother, I find it hard that I'm not having to do that anymore." Rei, Liam, Saeko and Takashi were looking at you as you started saying a whole load of stuff. "I'm scared now, but I don't want to show it. If I go down, I'll go down fighting, next to the people I've learnt to love. I'm worried incase you guys think I'm annoying right now." You laugh nervously as all eyes stay on you.

"Well, thanks." Saeko says shortly. "I guess you just said what was on all of our minds, I thank you for that because it saved a lot of tears." She put her hand on your shoulder and you looked at her. "You're brave, you'll never change." That made you smile. You suddenly hugged her and she gasped, suprised, but she hugged you back, and for once everything felt normal again.

"Hey Y/N, you shouldn't be worried about what people think of you, be you, because I think you would rather people hate you for being you than loving you for who you are not." You finally stop hugging and bro fist Liam who had just said a really cheesy quote.

"That was so cheesy." You laugh as everything returns to the normal atmosphere.

"It made you laugh though." In many ways that was true, but he was probably trying to be smart. "So, you're okay now?" You nod and stare at Takshi who is looking out of the window again.

"Taka-" Before you get to say something to Takashi, Hirano drops in with Alice and Takagi, squashing you in the process. "Ah, um.." You only just manage to breath as you clamber into the boot to get away from death. It would have been embarrasing if you died in a zombie apocalypse by getting suffocated by a fatass.

The car jerks and you hear the sound of actual earth on the rubber. "We should stop here." The car slides as it stops making you cling onto the seats. "We ladies need to get changed." Saeko steps out of the car along with the others while you, Takashi and Hirano stay in the car.

"Aren't you getting changed?" Hirano asks turning around.

"I'm already ready." You clamber out of the hole in the roof and look out for zombies while the girls are getting changed.

"You know you can put a knife on the end of a FAMAS right?" Hirano stands on the opposite side of the car from the girls so he can't see them. "You have a knife?"

"Oh yeah." You pull out the butchers knife which has a little bit of blood still on it. "Where do I put it?" You look at theend of the gun and place it where you think it should go, like you've seen on TV.

"How did you know?"

"It was a guess." You attatch the knife on it and aim the gun. "It's better for close range I guess." You look back at the girls to see if they're ready yet. "Hey!" When you turn to face Hirano again he tries to take a sneaky look. "No looking at the girls while they're getting changed, same for you Takashi." Takashi stands next to Hirano, holding a gun in his hand.

"I was only asking how to use this." He rolled his eyes at you but you just ignored him, still looking for zombies.

As I predicted I'm not updating as much because of school so I will only update on weekends now, it's also the reason I have two parts to the chapter.

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