The return

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You wake up early to see Takashi and Saeko still asleep. You smiled as Takashi's heavy breathing created a snore and he turned onto his back.

You walk out of the door, not wanting him to wake up to find you towering over him, you think that he would definately go out with Saeko then.

Quietly closing the door behind you, you looked down the stairs leading up to see zombies decreasing the space between you and them. "Hmmm." You scratched your chin, thinking of a plan but all you could think about was killing them. But knowing that you will be unsafe if you run down there and kill multiple zombies, staying at the top was the best idea, you'd also be able to fight better.

You sigh as you walk over to the door again and lean on the wall. You think about what has happened in this adventure and your mind just goes crazy. You understand that you have to concerntrate, but having a crush on a certain someone isn't helping things. You're mind takes you as far back to when you first met Takashi and he briefly showed you around the school (briefly as in he only showed you where the boys toilets were) and you stuck to him like glue. "Ahh." You feel yourself smiling and you hit your forehead with the palm of your hand to stop thinking about stuff.

"Y/N?" Takashi and Saeko walk out, Saeko's sword ready and Takashi walks over to you. "How long have you been up for, you got me worried." You shake your head unable to say anything incase you blurted out that you like him.

"Just, stand back." You walk forward, knife in hand and start slaying the zombies. Saeko kills the most and takes all the zombies on from the right and middle while you simply take the ones on the left. Takashi stood back like you told him and watched the amount of zombies decrease until there were none left. "There's more." You look down the stairs looking at the dead walk towards you.

Takashi stood awkwardly behind you, his head next to yours breathing in your ear. After what you saw last night you didn't want to give him the impression you like him (even though you do) so you step to the left and look out of the corner of your eye to see him looking at you. "Do I smell or something?" He asks. Ignoring his question you run down the stairs holding tears back as you remembered that kiss they had. Why wasn't that you?

Your swings became more and more violent as the memory flickered in your head, but it was just the one picture of when they kissed that is making you angry, but you can't just give up. "Are you okay Y/N?" Saeko walks next to you after defeating the zombies on the stairs. "You seem different today." She looks into your eyes as if able to see what you're thinking.

"What? Really?" You ask knowing that she knew you saw the kiss last night.

"Yes. I know you saw what happened last night and I know that you have feelings for him." You were right about her knowing that you knew they kissed but she meant something else, something she didn't want to say.

"Ok, I saw that but I feel like you're talking about something else." You state and she smirks, not in a sly way though. "What?"

"Oh, nothing, you're just different. It's like you can see what people are feeling yet not understand why." You look at her confused.

"Was that a compliment or an insult?" You glance behind you to check that Takashi isn't listening to your conversation, which he luckily wasn't.

"That depends on how you think I said it." You reach the bottom of the stairs and start sprinting after Saeko who leads ypu to Takagi's house.

"What was that conversation about?" Takashi sprints next to you, puffing as you turn a corner.

"Oh, just girly stuff." You carry on running so your burning cheeks make it look like you're warm, not blushing.

"Oh, okay." He sprints faster while grabbing a stitch in his side. Why is he so cute grabbing a stitch? You ask yourself watchin him run infront of you.

"We're here!" Saeko shouts behind her so you can hear her.

"Already?" You ask out of breath. "Felt like a walk in the park." Joking you place your hands on your knees and catch your breath so you can breathe normally.

"Yeah totally." Takashi agrees with you and pats your back. Your heart beats faster than it was when you were running and his hand made your whole back tingle with warmth.

"Stop! You can't enter." Guards stand by barricades and make sure you can't pass.

"We're friends of Saya Takagi." Saeko ordered holding her sword up. "She told us to meet her at her house, so let us in." The guards look at each other and let you pass.

Takashi and Saeko walk past without saying thank you so you say thank you for them (you're so nice).

"Holy shit." Walking up to the door you realise how gigantic Takagi's house is. "This place is..... awesome." The door swings open and three people stand there smiling.

"You survived." Takagi pushes up her glasses like always and smiles. "It's great to see you again." Beside her, Rei can't contain her tears of happiness as she hugs each of you individually.

Alice claps with excitment and her smile is so big it could reach her ears. "Y/N, Takashi, Saeko." She also hugs you all and you put her on your shoulders like a big sister. You couldn't help it, she reminded you of your brother.

Hope you enjoyed another chapter. Just wanted to say I will be publishing another book on Toyo Ghoul Reader x Kaneki so when that is published I will be concerntrating on that aswell as they book so this probably won't be as frequently updated. Ps sorry for spelling mistakes if there are any i wrote this on my phone XD

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