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"We knew you'd be okay." Hirano exclaimed, guns over his shoulders. "You guys are fighters." Alice hugs your head to stay on you shoulders as you walk in.

"Thanks Hirano." Takashi smiles and pats him on the back. "You guys look fresh." You look at Rei who is rubbing her chest and flinching.

They all still wore their the clothes you last saw them in but they had washed their faces. "We were really nervous." Alice laughs happily, her arm sliding over your left eye. "But I knew you would come back to us." She kicks your chest but you don't mind as long as she doesn't kick too hard.

"So would you like to give me a grand tour Alice?" You take her off your shoulders and place her on solid floor again. "Takashi and Saeko can join us if you would like them too." Without having to say any words, Alice grabs yours and Takashi's hand and drags you upstairs.

"I'm guessing that's a yes." Takashi mumbles in your ear happily.

"I'll catch up later." Saeko shouts and you turn around. She winks and you blush, understanding what she's doing.

Looking back at Takashi's face, you realise that he seems happier and more relaxed as if zombies never even existed. You smile and you also become more relaxed. "This is one bedroom." Alice starts opening the door. "There are also some clothes that we can use, we'll probably all get changed later now we know you guys are safe." Her smile doesn't dissapear as she carries on showing you around.

"That's the whole house." After a quick tour she finishes by a bedroom. "This is the last room, Saeko took the second to last one and I'm guessing no one wants to share... that means that you two have to share this one." You and Takashi look st each otger and blush.

"A- W- " Takashi starts. "There are a lot of rooms here, couldn't I use a spare one?" He begs Alice but you nudge him.

"No, we got told that we could only use these rooms." Her smile fades a little bit so you pat her head.

"Okay, we'll share." You drag Takashi into the room and slowly shut the door behind you.

"Why did you agree?" Takashi asks sitting on the bed.

"To make her happy. We got to keep the mood upbeat." You rumage through the clothes and notice that they're all for boys.

"Are you okay wearing that stuff?" Takashi stands next to you amd you nod.

"I suit this sort of stuff." You pick up some camoflauged pants and a black shirt. "Woah, look at the trainers." You look down to see multiple pairs of trainers.

"How do you like this stuff?" Takashi asks you looking at the clothes you're holding.

"I'm a tom boy and I don't think that a skirt in a situation is going to keep me alive." You rumage through the pockets in your pants.

"What are you doing?"

"Why so many questions?" You ask back.

"I'm just trying to understand you." He moves even closer to you so your arms touch, causing your cheeks to turn red.

"H- How can you not understand me yet?" You laugh nervously and turn around. "Mmm." You muffle a scream of shock as Takashi's face comes close towards yours.

(This is the part where people who don't like kissing scenes skip a few paragraphs)

He smiles slightly as his lips are about 1cm away from yours. This is my chance. He lurches forward amd your lips meet. The butterflies that were building up in your stomach flew away, and nothing else mattered, all that mattered was Takashi. You start to passionately kiss him and put your hands through his hair. If this is a one of then it might as well be a good one. He wraps his arms around yours waist and picks you up, making you higher than him.

Highschool of the dead (Takashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now