Life is over!

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While running through the zombies, trying to find roads that took you tlwards the house, you lost the direction you were facing. "So the car was over there.... I think so I should be halfway there.... I think. Right now a map would be extremely helpful." You murmur to yourself getting annoyed and bored by the fact you aren't getting any closer to the house yet you have walked for what feels like 30 minutes? Or it could have been 5 minutes. Or less. "If I were smart, I would go to a high place with steps. Zombies can climb them but a lot slower than they can walk on flat ground. My other decision would to be to go in water where the zombies can't get me." You turn around in a circle scratching your head. Standing in the middle of who-knows-where will not do you anything.

After noticing zombies were starting to swarm the street, you decided to move to higher ground, possibly go around the outskirts of the town to find somewhere which would help you get to the house. Think Y/N think! You push yourself for ideas but none come to you straight away.

You keep on walking towards the edge of the town and rest while there are no zombies. "Well there is water by me, but I'll be swept away by the current." You think of tactics looking at the water. "High ground it is then." You heave yourself up and carry on walking, the sunset on yoir left hand side.

"Finally." After the sun had set ages ago, you had already fought off so many zombies you lost count at 37 (You were so bored you counted, that is what you call boredom) you reach a tower. It is taller than the other buildings and has a lot of steps, there was no way the zombies would get up in one night, unless they were already up there then there would be a big problem. "Aww great." Already exhausted, you clamber up the stairs to reach the top.

Step by step you grow even more tired until you can't even concerntrate on lifting your feet to go up the stairs. "Ahh." You try not to scream as you trip over a stair and fall face first onto the top of the stairs. "Yes?" Unsure but hoping you had reached the top, you looked up and saw buildings in a U shape. "Yes." Best thing is is that there are no zombies.

You notice in the building in front of you a glimmer of light. This meant that someone was up here.

To make sure there were no zombies you opened the door a fraction and peaked in, only to make your heart stop. "Takashi?" Takashi sat in the middle of the floor and was kissing Saeko.

Speechless you slumped against the wall and put your face into your hands, tears rolling down your cheeks. "I thought we had something. I was just wrong." You cry more as quietly as possible so it looked like you had no kdea what was going on. "Nothing good ever happens to me." You stand up and peak inside again to see if it was safe to walk in.

Luckily they had stopped, making it the perfect time to walk in. "Hey guys." You close the door behind you and join them. "Why are you even here?" You ask stretching, trying to act like you saw nothing.

"Why are you too happy?" Saeko asks. She knew you saw what had just happened and knew that you were acting.

"I'm just tired." You yawn but yo know that if you try to sleep then the image will just pop back in your mind. "You guys know where to go right?"

"Yeah. We better get some sleep." You stand up and lie next to Takashi who is by Saeko, which you think is a bit awkward because they're facing each other while your back is to them both. Not a situation you wanted to be in.

Imma have to cut this chapter short only because it's late and I got school tommorow and I wanted to update this week XD and thank you for 600 reads. Any requests for more books I can make like x readers and stuff like that? Could do with making some more books that you guys enjoy.

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