Zombie run

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The teacher starts walking towards you clapping his hands. "And this is what I mean. You need a leader to stop conflict like this otherwise the team will fall apart." His eyes look wild but you keep a stern face trying to make him feel uncomfortable, but Rei's heavy breathing besides you makes you lose concerntration.

"And we choose one person to be leader?" Takagi asks folding her arms.

"Yes! And seeing as you guys are all students and I'm a teacher I think I should be the leader." There is a moments silence before his 'fan club' stands up and starts clapping. "I guess I'm the leader know because the majority voted for me." You quickly count on your fingers how many people voted for him and how many didn't.

"But more people didn't vo-" He puts his face rit in front of yours and you try to move back?

"Shhh child. I am now the leader and what I say goes. We will have no more conflict and we will now be in peace." His 'fan club' started clapping again and cheered. I can't stand him any more. You desperately want to say to him but you decide it's best not to.

Rei walks away frustrated and walks out of the bus. "I can't stand him!" She shouts at you and Takashi as you follow her. "I told you that you would regret saving him, look what he's done to the group already." She goes to run but Takashi grabs her wrist, you trying to ignore it.

"Look, you can't let him win." You walk towarsd her and put your hand on her shoulder. "This is probably what he wants to happen so he can have power. You're just letting him win a lost battle." In the distance you hear a loud noise. Unsure of what it is you look and see a bus traveling at a great speed.

You stand back into the tunnel ready to run as it comes nearer and nearer to you. "Y/N!" Liam runs out of the bus but Saeko grabs his shirt. You were so busy looking at him you didn't realise that Takashi had jumped towards you, taking you flying with him. When you landed you opened your eyes to see Takashi's face extremly close to yours. "Um." Takashi's eyes open wide and he quickly jumps off you.

He offers you his hand and you take it, your whole body tingling. "Are you okay?" You hear on the other side of the blazing bus.

"Yeah! Meet us at the East Police Office!" Takashi answers standing close to the burning bus.

"What time?"

"7 PM!" Debris falls in front of him so he turns around to face you and Rei. "Come on." You hear a hiss which indicates that the bus is going to blow.

"RUN!" You yell sprinting to the other side of the tunnel, last thing you want to happen is the burn to death.

Running in front, you hear a noise which makes you run even faster so you won't die or hold up the others and making them die. The heat becomes immense as you leave the tunnel into fresh air. "You guys okay?" You shout behind you.

With no answer you slow down and face the two panting people behind you. "I'm guessing that's a yes." You turn around to face the stairs behind you and see a person with a helmet on, stinking of rotten flesh, a smell that has followed you since the start of the incident.

It tries to step down but it's legs buckle and it flies towards you. Before you can even say duck to Takashi he turns around and hits the ground, the zombie on top of him. As you watch helplessly because your baseball bat is still in the bus where you left it, your heart feels like it's going to break. The strenght of the zombie compared to the strength of Takashi is... amazing for a dead person but it is a danger. Takashi is losing, badly. The head of the body slowly getting closer to his own.

But Rei still had her weapon, so she used it to murder the zombie and free Takashi from the battle. "Thanks." She offers him her hand and he takes it. You thought your heart couldn't hurt any more after you thought that he was going to die in the battle, but seeing him hold her hand made you, jealous. "We should get moving." You suggest clambering up the stairs.

"If we want to get to the Police Station in time then we will need transport." Takashi looks around the road at a few cars. "Hmm, I'll see if these cars have their keys while you two look for any more transport." You nod and walk the opposite direction with Rei.

"Do you like Takashi?" My heart skips a beat.

"Why do you ask?" I try to shrug off the question but she giggles.

"Well, I think you do because your face is red." You feel your cheeks to see if they're warm but they feel cold.

"Well... maybe I do like him, just a little bit. Do you like him?" She sighs and you look at her.

"Well I still miss my boyfriend but..." Her eyes start to water and she looks away quickly. "...but I don't know how I feel any more. I don't know who I like and who I don't, everything's just not right." You feel slightly sorry for her as she sniffs and forces a smile again. "Hey look, is that a motorbike?" She points to something blue and the road and you run over to it.

"Yes! Seems in good shape aswell." You put it up right and examine it. "Lets just hope that it has gas in it." You find the keys in it and turns them. As you hoped the engine started and you sigh in relif. "We need to show Takashi." You turn the engine off to save petrol and move it towards Takashi.

"Look what we found." As you reach Takashi you notice he too has a motorbike but his is red.

"Well that's lucky you found another one because only two people can fit on one." He pats the seat as if he is proud of what he has found. "Rei, get on with me." Rei sits on the back, hugging Takashi so she can stay on.

"Do you know how to drive a motorbike?" You asked sitting on your own one.

"No. Do you?" You shake your head and start the engine. "Well we'll get used to it." You remember back to when you went to the cinema and they had motorbike games you used to always play. Should be just like that. You rev up the engine like Takashi does and follow his steadily on the long trek to the Police Station.

After a few minutes you both start to speed up as you get used to how to maneuver the bike. You dare not to drive next to Takashi incase you guys crash, he would never forgive you for being so stupid. You sigh thinking about what you're thinking about. I've got to concerntrate. As you look forward you can't see Takashi so slow down. Wow, well down Y/N. You're now lost. You sigh. You hear a motor besides you and look at who it is. "Goddammit I thought I lost you." Takashi stares at you as if you've gone mad.

"Should have been looking where you were going then." He goes in front of you again and you follow, this time being more aware of where he is.

After driving for a few minutes you come to a small town. "No one's here." Rei looks around as the motorbikes come to a stop.

"Either they ran away or they turned into the undead." Takashi implies looking at a car in front.

"Is that a police car?" You ask moving your motorbike closer, inch by inch. "Why's it just there?"

"Lets go and find out." Rei says excitedly. As they move away you follow closely finding it weird that there isn't any zombies wandering around. "Hm." Rei slowly walks towards the police car where two dead police officers sit, crushed by a lorry.

"Don't get too close." Takashi gets off the bike and you copy him. "There's gas leaking." She smiles and carries on walking towards is.

"Takashi." You stand next to him, trying to act as serious as possible. "Don't you find it weird that no one's here? No living people or the undead." He sighs.

"You know what Y/N? I'm not even worried that there's nothing here. I'm just glad we're not in danger." He nudges you with his elbow and you do the same to him. From not talking because you were too embarrased to to actually touching him was a big leap in your... friendship. You didn't want to call it a relationship because you weren't going out but you wished it was.

Another chapter done! Please like if you enjoyed it and comment what you thought of it.

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