The Island (Extra)

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This will be from the extra episode of HOTD.

Everything went wrong in a matter of seconds for you. Liam had gone. You didn't like him or anything he was just your first ever friend. "Cheer up Y/N." Takashi sits next to you on the boat.

"How? Liam turned and I had to kill him." You put your head in your hands and sighed.

"You have me." Takashi tries to cheer you up and you smile a bit.

"I guess I do." The boat carries on moving at a steady speed amd Takashi leans back.

"Your a lucky person." He laughs and then goes silent. The silence makes you remember what happened.

"Liam, don't go." You tried to stop him battle the zombies so we could get away. "I can shoot them on the boat or at least while your getting on." He didn't listen and ran into battle, his gun empty.

Then nothing. Just a scream. Liam's scream. You all looked at the zombie coming towards you. It was dressed in Liam's clothes, it had the brown hair Liam had. It was Liam. "You never listen." Before he can get to you you stab him. "You never did." You didn't cry. You didn't want Takashi to see you as weak.

Liam dropped to the floor and looked in pain. "I'm sorry." You climbed into the boat and tried to forget about him.

"Snap out of it Y/N!" Takashi shakes you and you quickly put your hands on his shoulders. "We're here." He stops shaking you and steps off the boat.

You just about manage to get of the boat without falling into the water because you are so dizzy. "Wow." You all say looking at the sand, the forest and the sea. "We're actually here." Ms. Marikawa says excitedly dancing around. For once you don't mind her stupidness.

"Safety. Finally." Takashi sighs and runs towards the cabin. "There's gotta be food in this!" You all follow him, looking at your surroundings.

"This is beautiful." You say. It's been so long since you've seen a paradise like this you forgot something could be so beautiful.

"Just like you." Takashi winks and smiles.

"That was cheesy." You laugh and start to walk to catch your breath.

"That wasn't too bad." He carries on running in front of you to the cabin. You look back to see Takagi and Ms Marikawa walking placidly behind you, Takagi looking like she was, like you, okay with Ms Marikawa dancing around her.

For the first time you laugh. It is a laugh that is care free and you feel like you don't need to worryabout what's happening around you. "What's with the smile Y/N?" Saeko walks up to you in her bikini.

"Well it's just nice to be safe." You walk over to the cabin and look around.

"Aren't you getting into your bikini?" Takashi whips off his trousers and shows off his super tight underwear, so tight you could see his package.

"Gahh." You quickly look away blushing.

"They're the only ones I have." His voice is monotonal.

"O- Okay." You hesitantly take you clothes off into your underwear (let's just say bikini) and walk out. "This is great." You look up at the sun then down to the sea. Well I guess it can be better. You accidently look left and see Takashi's package again. Mm. I hope I don't keep seeing that. The abs though. They are nice. Well you could call them abs. You laugh in your head as you realise that what you are thinking is what you would have thought before everything happened.

"We need to collect wood for when the sun goes down. It will be cold, even if the sun isn't all the way down." Hirano orders being the bossy one again.

"We'll split up, should be safe." Talashi grabs your hand and you run into the forest with him. "You're coming with me." You giggle nervously. You've never been in a relationship before so you have no idea how to act if this even is a relationship. "There's some wood here, if we need to we'll cut down small trees." He bends down and starts to look for dry wood.

"Are we a thing?" You suddenly ask crouching next to him.

"What sort of question is that?" He nudges you and you look at him seriously.

"Well, are we in a relationship as in boyfriend and girlfriend or are we just friends?" You stare at him and he stares at you.

"Will this answer your question?" He leans in and kisses you passionately. You kiss back placing your hand on his cheeck. You closed you eyes and carried on kissing.

You pull away and smile. "I'm guessing you're my boyfriend now." He nods and you start collecting wood again.

"This should be enough. It's getting cold already." You both carry sticks to the beach again and place them in a heap on the floor.

"Good. Now we need to set this baby on fire." Hirano's glasses gleam in the sun, making him look scary. "Anyway what took you two so long?" He asks you.

"We weren't that long." You hug you knees and place your chin on top of them.

"Well according to the sun, you were hone for half an hour." You gasp. That kiss felt shorter than it was. You start to blush.

"Time flys." Takashi looks at the sunset and then watches Hirano light the fire.

"We also caught these while you were gone." Takagi points at the dead fish by Hirano.

"One for all of us." Hirano smiles proudly, showing off the fish.

"Well we can eat them when they are cooked." You hint to him. When he gets that you were telling him to cook the fish he quickly puts them on sticks and passes them to you.

"Enjoy." You put your fish over the fire and watch it burn.

"There's a weird smell." Saeko says and you also realise that you can smell it. "And the fire is smoking a lot." You look at the fire puzzled.

"I feel sleepy and dizzy." Ms. Marikawa says dreamily.

"Me too." Everyone starts to yawn.

"It's a hallucination gas." Saeko is quick to stand up but everything goes fuzzy, then black. All you remember is Takashi dragging you and then kissing you on the ground (the "hallucination" finishes there).

"Uh Y/N?" You stare into Takashi's eyes, his body on yours. "How did this happen? What did we do?" Omg, please say we didn't do it. You beg but thankfully both of your pants are still on.

"We should get back." You both stand up and walk to the beach hand in hand. What a way to end the journey.

So, this could possibly be the last chapter of this book but I might make one up. I'm thinking of doing a Fairy Tail x Reader called Stuck between the elements(no hints) so when that's published if you read it that would be awesome! Hope you enjoyed the book.

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