Making your way

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Hey guys, so I've only just realised I have an extremely short attention span and after taking a few tests they've confirmed that I have so that might explain the long updates and the fact I can't write a chapter without getting bored. At times the only reason I write books is because I have all these crazy ideas in my head (caused by the short attention span) and I like to write them down then develop them as I'm writing, or I've started a book and then you guys comment positive things that make me want to write more so thank you guys for the positivity :).

Opening your eyes you notice Takashi's face right next to yours.
His face looks so peaceful you can't help but smile. Takashi's arm is wrapped around you so you daren't move. "Awake already?" Takashi groans opening one eye.

"Yeah, I had a good sleep." You smile, moving your hand up and moving his hair to the side. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah, and especially seeing as you're with me." Takashi places his hand on your cheek and passionately kisses you. You kiss back and he tangles his legs with yours. His hand goes down your body and grabs your bum.

"Takashi." You pull back and Takashi sleepily smiles. "We've got to get going, we need to get these radios." You clamber out of bed and put on your shoes and gloves. "The quicker we get it done the quicker we can go back." Takashi climbs over the bed to you and sits on the end. He pulls you onto him and you push off again. "Takashi, I'll make out with you when we get this done. You stand up again and grab your backpack, putting it on your back before grabbing your gun and knife.

"That's a deal I'll agree on." Takashi stands up and quickly geys ready. "I'll check if we can get out first." Takashi walks over to the window and looks out. "It looks safe enough." He smacks your bum jokingly as he walks past and you laugh, pushing him a bit.

You stand by the door and listen to what's going on outside, just to make sure there are no zombies out there. "Sounds good." Takashi opens the door and you hold your gun out. You look around a corner before relaxing. "It-" You turn around to see Takashi battling with a zombie that snuck up on him.

"(Y/N)! Shoot this fucker!" He shouts, his gun against the zombies neck. You aim but with all the struggling there would be no way you could only shoot the zombie.

You move closer and put the gun to the zombies head before pulling the trigger. The zombie goes limp and Takashi throws it off. "Thanks." You help him up and wipe the smudge of blood off of his face. "We've got to get going, that shot will have attracted a lot of zombies." Takashi grabs your hand and drags you.

~~Time Skip~~

"This has to be it." You gasp, trying to catvh your breath after running. "It's where Rei said the radio's should be." You both walk into the police station, gun in one hand and knife in the other.

"I just hope she's right because otherwise this was all for nothing." Takashi aim with his gun as he kicks a door open. "What if we found a police officer, they should surely have a radio." Takashi suggests as you walk into the same room as him.

"But it would mean that we'd have to kill a load of police officers to get enough radios, they should have some spare." You both walk into a massive room full of desks.

"Would there be any here?" You run to the nearest desk and search the draws. "Here, they had a gun, a few bullets and a stash full of sweets... guessed they liked their food." You place them all into your backpack and continue. "Only search a few of them, if there are no radios then none of them will have any." You move onto the next desk but find nothing.

"(Y/N), why don't you search that room?" Takashi points at a door that's ajar.

"Sure." You slowly walk up to it and aim your gun. You kick the door open and someone jumps om you. "Ahh, get off me!" You scream and kick the person.

"What are you doing here!?" You stop struggling and look at who's on you. "What do you want?" You look down at his clothes and realise he's a police officer.

You jump up and point the gun at him, your hands shaking. "Put your gun down." You say and he lowers his gun down a bit.

"You first." You don't move. "I'm a police officer do as I say."

"I'm a police officer do as I say." You repeat what he says in a high pitched voice. "Well I'm me so do as I say." You try to say confidently. "I'll shoot you if you don't." You put pressure on the trigger and he puts his hands up quickly.

"I'm sorry please don't shoot me." He begs dropping his gun. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." He starts begging while crying and you lower your gun.

"Wow, you're actually a wimp." He scratch your head while watching the police officer. "Takashi!" You shout out the door and he runs in.

"Are you okay, what's wrong?" He asks hurridly and you point at the police officer. "Umm, are you okay?" Takashi walks forward and the police officer quickly picks his gun up.

"Don't come near me!" He yells. You hold your gun up again but the police officer drops his gun as he stares at Takashi. "T- Takashi?" He stutters in awe.

"Rei's father?"

Another cliff hanger, sorry guys

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