It Started With A Picture

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"Okay, thanks!" Pique says taking his phone back

"Awe! You look so adorable, Leo!"

Leo blushes deeply and looks down at the floor embarrassingly. Pique looks down at him, itching to lift his chin up and kiss him. But he stops himself.

"What's up with you? You're all red," Gerard says

"S-shut up!"

"You look cute."

Leo smiles. The strange feeling stirring inside him is still there. But he likes it.. Just a little. Gerard looks handsome. He looks so good. And Lionel feels stupid for not noticing before.

"You've been staring at it for way too long," Neymar groans

"He looks good," Leo smiles

"Like the fucking picture already!" Neymar groans

"S-should I?"

"Leo.. Give me that! You're like a teenager.. It's depressing."

Leo holds his phone tightly. He double taps and smiles.

"Do you think he'll notice?" Leo says with a smile lingering in his lips

"Yeah.. He's too in love with you to not,"


"I bet you he's screaming right now," Neymar chuckles

His phone vibrates and he picks it up.



"Alright.. Calm down! Who?" Neymar winks at Leo

"LEO!! He liked it !! Oh my god!"

"Oh.. Well it was a picture of you and him.. So I mean.."

"Shut up. He wants thiiisss dickkkk!!" Gerard chuckles

"I'm sure he does," Neymar chuckles

"Dude he's so fucking beautiful. I can't stop looking at the picture.. He looks so cute and innocent! Fuck. I wanna-"

"Whoa there! Let's calm down.. Leo is an innocent pure soul and he should stay like that forever."

"Not when I'm done with him. Wink wink."

"You disgust me."

"Sorry.. But I'm serious.. God I'm so in love with him," Gerard says

Neymar smiles, looking back at Leo who was blushing like crazy. Neymar throws a pillow at him, accidentally knocking him off the bed.

"Oh my fucking god! Leo! are you okay?!"


Neymar rushes to him and picks him up. Leo smiles at him while looking away embarrassingly.

"Neymar?! What happened?? Is Leo there?! Oh my fucking god am I on speaker you fucking bitch !!!!"

"Shut up Gerard!!"

"Is he okay?"

"Y-yeah.. I'm fine," Leo says

"Thank god," Gerard breathes out


Gerard taps his fingers against the table and groans. 20 minutes late. Lionel is 20 minutes late.

"S-sorry.. The t-traffic.. W-was horrible!" Leo says

His cheeks are flushed and his lips are slightly pale. He licks them and Gerard finds himself in a trance.

"Ah.. It's okay.. T-thanks for meeting me."

"I'm glad you called."

"I'm sure you know why.."

"Yeah.. That's why I'm glad you called me."

Gerard smiles. That's all they need to say to understand where they stand.


"That's a cute picture," Marc winks

"S-shut up!" Pique groans

He may or may have not put that picture as his home screen.

"I like it," Leo chimes in

Gerard immediately smiles and wraps his arm around Lionel's shoulders.

"You looked so cute,"


"I'm serious.. God I wanted to kiss you so bad."

"You should kiss me now," Leo says blushing

Gerard leans down and captures Lionel's lips with his.

"Say cheese!!"

"M-Marc!!" Lionel blushes

"Send that to me," pique says

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