My Manager part3

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Lionel and Marc had not seen each other in days. Speculations of their relationship had grown and neither of them was ready to confirm or deny whatever was being said.

"You have to really think about what you're gonna say, Leo. The media knows how to twist your words," Neymar says

"All there is to say is that Marc and I are not together," Leo says

"But do you want to be with him?" Neymar asks


"Leo.. If you want to be with him then what's holding you back? I don't understand. When you love someone, you'd do anything in order to be with them and to make them happy. Clearly, you're the one that Marc wants. So what's stopping you?"

"I am the one that he wants for now. But what happens when he gets tired of me huh? Our friendship will be ruined. I love him. And I love our friendship... Which is why I could never ever put that in jeopardy."

Neymar sighs. Lionel is scared. He understands. But he knows that Marc is in love with him. It's not fair for both of them to suffer simply because they're scared that it might not work out.

"You won't know until you try."


Leo decides that Neymar is right. He'll never know. Marc deserves at least a chance. His intensions are good and he's Leo's best friend. He would never do anything to purposely hurt Leo.

Maybe he had not thought things through. His heart is racing as he brings himself to knocking on his best friend's door. He knocks 3 times and waits. He wants to run away but for some reason he stays frozen in his place.

"Yea-oh.. Leo," Marc's dull blue eyes light up like a Christmas tree

"Can I come in?" Leo asks

"Yeah.. Please.."

He smiles before walking into the place feeling a little out of place. He's nervous and every step he takes makes him feel a little heavier than the second before.

"Marc..." He says without daring to look at his best friend

"Yeah?" Marc asks

Lionel is a little startled. When did Marc get so close? When did he get so close that he can feel his warm breath against his neck. Why is he doing this to Leo? It's not fair.

"I.. I think I'm in love with you."

The word love is a strong word. Lionel had never told anyone that he loved them. He had never been in love with anyone else. It had always been Marc. And it would always be Marc.

"God I've waited way too many years for this," Marc breathes out

"I have too," Leo says smiling

Marc connects their lips for the first time and it's a feeling that Leo will grow to love and will never forget.

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