Big Boys Don't Cry

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Yay we already got 1k guys! I'm so sorry I barely update. I've been so busy but I promise I'll try to update more often so please send it your requests!


"G-Gareth? Are you crying?" His sister asks softly

Cake by Melanie Martinez is playing over and over. She's worried for her big brother.

"Get out!" He shouts

"Gareth.. Please, tell me what's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"C'mon.. You were so happy not so long ago and suddenly today everything changed. What's wrong? What happened?"

And Gareth doesn't really explain it to her. But she holds him tightly. She holds him until 6 in the morning when he finally falls asleep.

He doesn't go to school. He's happy to receive a few messages from his friends asking where he's at and if he's okay. But it burns his insides to know that the one person who he's missing isn't missing him. 

It's 3 in the morning when he gets an unexpected call. He's quick to answer. He doesn't hear much. There's soft sobbing on the line and he gets extremely worried.

"Cris? What's wrong?"

"Please.. Please.. Come home."

Gareth's heart aches. How can one human have so much power over him?

"Cris.. Are you okay?"

"G-Gareth! Come home.. Please.. Please come home.. I can't.. I just.. I can't do this without you. I need you. I'm sorry.. I can't live without you. Come back. Come home to me."

The line goes dead soon. Gareth falls back. He feels slightly helpless and extremely confused.

"I'm sorry, Cris."


"Dude, you're cruel," his best friend chuckles

"I didn't know what to do."

"You can talk to him about it. You two love each other Gareth."

"He doesn't know how to appreciate me. He's far too complicated."

"So? It's not about having it easy.. It's not about knowing every little thing about each other. It's knowing that there are rough parts and that they will probably never smooth out but that's okay. They don't need to get smooth in order to work perfectly. "


"Hey," Cristiano smiles

"Hi," Gareth says

They both know what they want to do. And they're big boys. They know that they can't deny themselves to each other.

"God I've missed you," Cristiano says

"I've missed you too."

Their breathing is heavy and their lips are bruised from crashing into each other so much. But it's perfect. It's messy and rough. They tug on each other's clothes, wanting to get rid of it as soon as possible.

"I love you so much. So fucking much, Gareth."

"Shut up will ya," Gareth chuckles

"Make me."

"Oh I will."

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