We Still Have Love

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It was a sunny day- extremely sunny actually. It bothered Lionel. He wanted rain. He wanted everything to look as grey as he felt. He didn't feel blue. He wished everything wasn't so blue. He felt gray. Almost absent, but not quite.

"How are you feeling?"

The voice scares him a little. He looks up and sees his husband holding out a small cup.

"It's hot, careful."

"Thank you," Lionel says quietly

"You feeling okay?"

"Yeah.. Kun.. I wanna go home."


"I'm fine! I wanna go home! I wanna.. I.. The baby.. The room isn't done yet.. We need to finish the room for the baby.."

There's tears forming in his eyes and he starts to shake uncontrollably.

"Leo.. Hey.. Look at me. Leo! There is no baby."

Sergio tries hard to snap him out of it. But it's been a few weeks and Lionel still wakes up at midnight, talking about the baby that he's just lost like he was already alive.

"No.. Shut up.. Don't say that... P-P-please don't say that!"

"Hey.. Hey.. Look at me.. I'm right here. You're okay. We're okay. The baby's on the way.. Okay? A new baby.. A very healthy baby.. A beautiful, wonderful new baby.. You don't have to miss him anymore yeah?"

"Kun.. "

"I'm right here Leo.. You're okay."

You could tell Sergio had not slept in days. Lionel hadn't either. The nightmares always kept the both of them up.


"Okay Leo.. You're all set."

Sergio smiles brightly. His husband is finally going to go home with him.

"You okay baby?"

"Yup. I'm hungry," Lionel says smiling

"I'm glad you are."


"I was watching that," Sergio says when Lionel randomly turns the TV off.

"I'm horny."

"Leo.. I was watching a movie!!"

"B-but.. Kun!" Lionel whines

"Come here, Princess. "

"I'm not a girl."

"You sure love to act like one."

"Why are we married again?" Leo chuckles

"Cause you love me.. And my dick.."

"I think it's just the dick part. "


Lionel chuckles before connecting their lips.

"Let's make a baby."

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