Always With You

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Marc walked up slowly to the man that sat on the steps of his house.

"Hey, it's too cold to be out here, let's go inside," he says softly

"Y-you.. You're leaving."


"Don't fucking touch me! You fucking asshole! Why didn't anyone tell me?! Why!? Why didn't you tell me? Am I not important to you?"

"Leo, baby calm down. This is why I told everyone to keep it a secret. I knew you'd get upset. "

"I.. You.. Why?"

"You didn't expect me to stay forever did you?"

Lionel's eyes widen in shock because yes, he did expect Marc to stay by his side forever. He could never imagine a life without Marc by his side. It never crossed his mind that one day Marc would be leaving him and the team behind.

"It's not like it was my decision anyway," Marc says softly

And Lionel knows that. He's not stupid. He knows that Marc is capable of great things. But he also knows that he will never be able to accomplish much if he stays here.

"I'm sorry. I'm so selfish. I just want you to myself. I want you by my side forever. I completely forgot that you have needs as well. "

"Leo I'm not leaving you. Okay? Look at me Leo," Marc says lifting his chin up to meet his eyes

Lionel swallows thickly. It's dark out but Marc's blue orbs are sparkling in the moonlight. Lionel melts into his arms quickly. His loud sobs fill the quiet household.

"Don't. Marc. Please.. Don't leave me!"

Marc holds him tightly in his arms, fearing that if he lets this man go, he will fall and break.

"I'm right here, Leo. I'm never leaving you okay? I'll love you forever."

Lionel looks up at him. His glossy, puffy, red eyes are half lidded and mixed with too many emotions for Marc to read. His cheeks turn and Crimson color and Marc knows what he wants.

He carries him into their bedroom and lays him on the bed softy. Their lips meet while he takes off Lionel's clothes. Lionel is eager and starts to touch every little bit of exposed skin.

"Marc, now.. Please."

Marc kisses Lionel. It's soft and gentle. It's full of emotion. Lionel feels his heart sink deep inside him. He wraps his arms tightly around Marc's neck and deepens their kiss as Marc slowly enters him.

"I love you, Leo. I'll always love you no matter where I am. "

"I love you too, Marc. I'm so scared to lose you."

"You will never lose me. "

He whispers a few more reassuring words in Lionel's ear as he thrusts in and out of him slowly, wanting to enjoy the moment for as long as possible.

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