Cookie Theif

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Mario carried the small box happily. He couldn't wait till lunch time arrived. thank god for him, it arrived quite early. 5th period lunch. He was blessed.

"Marco!" He calls out once he sees his best friend

"Mario.. You brought cookies?!"

Mario nods, placing the small box down. They start talking about Christmas and their plans. Mario is so into the conversation that he doesn't even realized that Marco has eaten all of his gingerbread man cookies.

"M-Marco!" He shrieks

"Ah.. Sorry.. I got carried away," Marco chuckles embarrassed.

"I didn't even get to eat one," Mario sighs

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. I'll buy you ice cream. You should know your cookies are my weakness."

And it was true. Mario loved to bake cookies and Marco loved to eat them. And Marco always had to make it up to him because he always ate the cookies.

"It's fine. We'll just make that your Christmas gift," Mario says

"You know what I want for Christmas. And it's more than cookies," Marco whispers into his ear

Mario bites down on his bottom lip and looks down, blushing like crazy. Marco has always been the type of person who openly flirts and says things out in the open. Mario is a lot more different.

He's very quiet and sweet and gentle. And no one knows how those two could be best friends. Or better yet, lovers. But Marco laid eyes on Mario when they were 4 and chose that Mario would be his best friend.

And when Mario turned 14 Marco decided that he didn't want Mario hanging out with girls that would flip their hair cutely or guys who wrapped their arms possessively around his best friend.

He wanted to be the only one who could touch Mario. So while Mario was baking more cookies because Marco had stolen and eaten the ones he had baked before, Marco stole his first kiss.

And now that they're in the last year of high school and have been together for almost 4 years, Marco wants to steal something more precious than just his delicious cookies.


"Marco!" Mario's mother says happily

She's awfully in love with Marco. But Mario really likes it. He likes the fact that his mother and his boyfriend get along very well.

"You want some cookies? Mario baked some earlier today."

"I'd love some. Mario makes the best cookies!" Marco says happily

So Marco eats almost all the cookies that Mario made. Almost. Mario managed to save a few.

"Now go to sleep you two, tomorrow is Christmas Eve! And the family will be coming over," Mario's mom says happily

Marco is awfully excited. He can't wait for New Years. That night will be special. He knows that. But for now, he'll settle with stealing his boyfriend's cookies.

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