Young and curious

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James knew from the second he saw Cristiano's lip connect with Irina's that he wanted to feel Cristiano's lips as well. He knew that it would only be a fantasy for him because clearly, Cristiano was not at all interested in him.

"What are you thinking about?" Neymar asked

"Do you ever have the urge to kiss someone?" James asks sighing.

"Yeah sometimes.. Why? You like someone, James?"

"I think so," he confesses

"Who? You can't like Leo. I called dibs on him a long time ago," Neymar says

"Yeah yeah I know. Isn't Leo still dating Luis?" James asks

"Nope. Leo finally caught him cheating. Now he's vulnerable which means it's my chance to make a move."

"He's still probably hurt, ney. Give him space."

"Yeah I know. It just sucks that I've been in love with him for so long and he still hasn't noticed me. I mean how hard can it be? I'm his best friend!"

James sighs. Neymar has had a crush on Lionel ever since he discovered he liked guys. Lionel
Was actually the reason as to why Neymar decided that he was in love with men. But he wasn't. He wasn't in love with men. He was In love with Lionel and no one else.

"Cristiano is single though.. I'm sure you have a chance," Neymar says


"I know you, James."

James smiles. Even though Neymar and Lionel were closer, and it bothered James like hell that they were, he and Neymar were extremely close. They knew almost every single thing about each other.


"Experiment ?"

"Yes. Experiment. You've never dated guys right? So why don't you try with me?" James blushes

"Are you asking me out?" Cristiano smiles

James nodded his head and looked down in embarrassment. Cristiano chuckled. It made James get even more nervous. He was making a fool of himself.

"Never mind.. This was a bad idea."

"I'll date you."


"I'll date you, James Rodriguez."

"Oh... Okay.."

Cristiano then continues to push him against the wall. It wasn't hard since they were in a small storage room. James feels the room is getting too hot and too small of all of sudden.

"What are you doing?" He asks softly.

"I'm going to kiss you.. You're my boyfriend."

James was finally going to feel Cristiano's lips. His stomach was doing flips. Their lips met and Cristiano moved his quickly. James was following his lead and letting Cristiano do everything. He didn't feel anything. It didn't feel surreal. It was just a kiss.

That was until he heard Cristiano whisper his name against his lips. The way he said "James" brought James to the reality that he was kissing the one and only Cristiano Ronaldo. The guy he had longed to be with for the longest time.

"I'm going to wreck you."

James should've ran. He should've ran as fast as he could. But he didn't. He looked up at Cristiano with those innocent eyes full of curiosity and Cristiano was a goner.

"You're mine. I won't let anyone else have you."

"Cris," James whimpers when Cristiano's lips touch his neck


"You good?" Neymar asks

James looks tired and out of it. Who would've known Cristiano had so much to say. It made him smile to think about how much he and his boyfriend had been talking the night before.

"Babe.. You look tired," Neymar says

James whines as Neymar touches him everywhere. Neymar could be a really big protective mom. They were both so busy they didn't notice someone standing behind them, clearly aggravated.

"Get your hands off my boyfriend."

Neymar looks up and sees a very angry Cristiano. James blushes. Cristiano was very possessive. But he knew he didn't have to worry about Neymar. They were like brothers.

"Excuse me?"

"Get off him!"

Cristiano shakes Neymar pretty bad and soon they have the attention of everyone around. Neymar shuts his eyes, preparing himself for the hit that never came. He opens his eyes and smiles brightly.

"Touch him and I will send you the hospital you hear me?" Lionel groans

Cristiano pulls his hand away and lets out a groan of annoyance. Neymar and James both sigh in relief.

"Are you okay baby?" Lionel asks

"I'm fine Leo, he's just jealous of my relationship with James," Neymar says smiling

Now that Lionel is here, he can say whatever he wants. Although he wouldn't want Lionel to get into a fight because of him.

"Whatever just don't touch him too much," Cristiano says

"I don't like your boyfriend."



"Ah~ Cris! Oh! Like that.. Please don't stop!!"

"Oh James! I'm so close baby!"

"Fuck! Inside.. Please cum inside!"

Cristiano groans before spilling his seed inside of James. James closes his eyes, breathless and tired.

"That was fun," Cristiano smiles

"I'm tired, Cris."

"Why did you ask me out if you didn't love me back then James?"


"You didn't love me when you asked me out."

"Of course I didn't. I was in love with the idea of being with you.. And then when I got with you I fell in love with you. I knew you were going to be special.. I couldn't let you slip away."


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