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Ante Rebic + Luka Jovic

Ante's eyes closed slowly before they opened lazily again. He tried hard to keep them open but it was becoming too difficult. It was too early to be practicing.

"Are you feeling well? Did you sleep last night?" He hears a voice say to him.

The voice sounds soft, almost too scared to fully wake him up. He opens his eyes slowly to fight his teammate staring down at him. He gives him a small smile before closing his eyes again. He feels gentle touches on his face. The gentleness soon disappears when a hard hand crashes with his cheek.

"Ante, you can't fall asleep we are going to eat breakfast to celebrate my birthday!"

"Tomorrow," he groans, turning to the side to cuddle the grass he's been laying on the entire time.

"Tomorrow won't be my birthday anymore."

"Please Luka!"

The younger male nods and gets up. Ante isn't getting up anytime soon. So the team leaves him sleeping on the grass while they go celebrate Luka's 21st birthday.

Luka wasn't that excited about his birthday anymore. Ante had completely forgotten about it and hadn't even wished him a simple happy birthday yet. It was noon and training was over. Since Christmas was coming up, they were getting a very tiny break. He thought that maybe they could spend time together but Ante was so out of it that even the freezing cold wasn't hitting him.

"It's time to go home," Luka says looking down at him in annoyance.

"I'm sorry I didn't go have breakfast with you."

"It's fine."

"Happy birthday, you're legal now," Ante says smirking a little.

"It's cold.. you're definitely getting sick."

"Let's go home.. I have a little surprise for you."

Luka didn't expect to see what he saw when they got to Ante's apartment.

"Is it for me?" He asks happily

"Well I think I should get a little piece at least," Ante  laughs.

"Are you sure about that?"

The taller male gasps. He acts hurt as he puts his hands over his chest. Luka laughs and decides that he won't waste any more time on his sleepy teammate. There is a beautiful cake waiting for him. He's happy that Ante didn't forget after all.

"I wouldn't forget your birthday.. especially not your 21."

"There's nothing special about it," Luka says stuffing his mouth with cake.

"I can finally take you to clubs with me."

"I think I'll pass. That's why you're always sleeping during training."

"That's not true."

"You need to grow up, Ante."

"I fell asleep once.. don't think that cause you're 21 now you can tell me what to do young man. Don't forget I'm always going to be older than you."


They eat their cake in silence. Luka seems happy with the little surprise and Ante thinks that it was worth the whole trouble he had to go through to make it happen. He starts dozing off and soon his head hits Luka's shoulder. Luka fixes him on the couch.

He stares at him for a while. He looks at peace. Luka's eyes linger a little longer than they should on Ante's lips. They're a soft flushed pink and it suits his slightly pale skin. He's like a prince. Well now he looks more like sleeping beauty.

"And with a kiss, I shall break the spell," Luka says letting a small laugh out of his lips.

He leans down slowly. His palms are getting sweaty and his heart is beating out of his chest. Ante will never know. He won't even feel it since he's so deep in his slumber. Luka's lips connect gently with Ante's. The small peck lasts a few seconds before Luka decides not to push his luck and pulls away.

"Happy birthday to me," he says happily.

"Happy birthday to you," Ante says before pulling him down for a deeper kiss.


I know this was kinda short but I wanted to write something cute lol

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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