We Belong Together

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Lionel and Ter Stegen had always been extremely close. So it really surprised Pique when they both ended up dating different people. I guess they both preferred Brazilians. He did have to admit that they were both happy and looked good with the people they were with. But he hoped that those two would wake up one day and realize that they belonged together.

Pique wishes that he hadn't said that when two broken men shut the world out because of their lovers. He wishes he would've stayed quiet because the world can be cruel.

"I just.. I don't understand," Lionel says. His hands are shaking and Gerard can only watch him fall apart.

"It's okay Leo," he says softly

"It's not okay. I loved him. I gave him everything and it still wasn't enough. I'm so.. Ugh!!"

Lionel buried his head in the pillow and screams. It went on like this for hours until he had completely lost his voice and had thrown up so many times he couldn't  feel his mouth. He still couldn't grasp what ter Stegen told him he had seen.

Neymar would never cheat on him, Lionel had thought. But he had no reason not to believe his best friend. After all, it was with non other than his lover.

"I guess we should've seen it coming," ter Stegen tells Lionel

"You're right," Lionel sighs

They have decided to try to get over it together. They have both been hurt by the people who promised to never hurt them. They learned together not to trust a word that another human says.

"I would never do this to you, Leo."

Ter Stegen doesn't know why he said that. He doesn't know why it came out of his mouth. His heart is racing. He doesn't want Lionel to think that he's only saying this because rafinha just cheated on him. Lionel got cheated on too and the last thing they both need is more confusion in their love lives.

"I know.. I guess I chose the wrong person," Lionel chuckles bitterly

He knows he did. He has known since the moment he saw Rafinha and Ter Stegen kiss for the first time. It made his heart sink but he ignored it. Lionel was in love with two people and that frustrated him. But he chose the wrong person to give his love to.

"I used to love you," he says.

Used to. It makes ter Stegen's insides twist uncomfortably. He loves Lionel. He has known it from the second Lionel realized he liked kissing boys.

"I still love you," ter Stegen says.

Lionel closes his eyes and smiles. The thick feeling in his throat loosens a little. They will recover. And they will finally love the right person.


Short and not the way I wanted it to be but I've been busy guys and I really want to update at least something.

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