Opposite teams

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Pique completely melted into his couch when he felt a familiar touch on his arm. He kept his eyes closed and continued to enjoy the warm feeling that was radiating from the other person.

"You've been so tensed lately."

"I've been tired that's all... I didn't know you were coming," pique says

"Oh. Where you expecting someone else?"

"No.. It's just that you never show up out of the blue."

"Should I leave then?"

"No! Stay. I haven't seen your face in such a long time, Sergio."

"Every time you say my name, you sound so serious it scares me," Sergio chuckles

"Come here," pique says softly

His head is buzzing and the warmth of the room is making him dizzy. He's so close to falling asleep but he knows that he will never get another moment like this.

"If you're tired, you can go to sleep babe. I'll be here when you wake up."

"No.. I'll never get another chance at a moment like this," pique says

"Yes you will. I'm gonna be right here.. Always," Ramos says

"No.. I know.. I just mean that we will never get this exact moment back. Ever. And I want to enjoy it."

"Have you been reading some crazy deep literature or something? What's up with you?"

"Can you just please kiss me because I'm so close to falling asleep. And I don't want to go to sleep before touching your lips at least 10 times."

"I'll do more than just kiss you," Ramos winks

Pique bites his lip, clearly eager to do more than just kiss. Ramos gets on top of him and starts kissing him, letting his hands roam all around pique's long body.

"I hate that you're so tall," he pouts

It's weird to see Sergio act immature. He has such a strong persona. But with Gerard he's very playful and giddy all the time.

"I'm in love with you," pique says

"You're so silly," Ramos blushes

Pique flips them over carefully, he doesn't want either of them to fall to the floor. He gets in between Ramos' legs and presses himself against the other male. Ramos lets out a small whimper.

"Do you want me, Sergio?"

"S-stop asking.. Ah.. Em-embarrassing things!" He groans out.

"I think you do. You're getting really hard," pique whispers against his ear before gently biting his earlobe.

"Pique!" Ramos whimpers

"Don't tell me you're gonna cum.. I haven't even touched you yet," he says as he continues to grind down on him

Sergio's cheeks are flushed and his bottom lip is red from all the biting he's been doing. Gerard continues to kiss and suck on his neck, leaving quite a few visible marks.

"Pique... Please.."

"Please what? What do you want baby?"


Pique smiles when the word finally leaves Sergio's mouth. They start to rid themselves of the constricting clothing.

Pique enters Sergio slowly. Sergio grips pique's shoulders and bites his bottom lip. The feeling is euphoric.

"God you're so tight," pique groans


"I'm gonna fuck you so hard."

Sergio chuckles before the pleasure of having pique inside of him takes over.


"You wanna order domino's? I'm hungry."

"Yeah," Sergio breathes out tiredly

"Oh.. Pique.."


"I love you too," Sergio says before he falls asleep

Pique smiles.

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