WJS part3

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Lionel chugged down his water. Neymar was acting up during practice but he didn't have time to deal with his best friend's tantrums. He's been thinking about what he can do to make things right. But he's awfully lazy so he will not do anything.

"You wanna go eat something Leo?" Neymar asks

"Yeah why not?" Leo smiles

Neymar sighs happily. He and Lionel had been slightly distant. Ever since the Kun incident, things had be slightly shaky. Neymar missed Kun. He wanted a second chance. But he knew he didn't deserve one. Kun wasn't good for him.

"Have you been well?" Lionel asks

"Yeah.. thanks for everything Leo," Neymar smiles

"Im always here for you Ney. Im sorry things didn't work out between you two."

"Well it's not like we ever gave it a go," Neymar says

Lionel sighs. Neymar is bitter. And it's understandable.

"Listen Ney, you have to understand where I'm coming from. Having my two best friends date isn't something that's gonna end well for me. What if you two break up huh? Im gonna be forced to choose a side and I'm not ready to give one of you two up."

Neymar understand Lionel and where he is coming from. If the two of them have an argument they will both come to Lionel for advice. Lionel will always be against the wall. Neymar was being selfish. He didn't realize the position that he was putting Lionel in.

"I'm sorry for putting you in such and uncomfortable position Leo."

"Listen Ney, I want you to be happy. And if you think that Kun will make you happy then go for it. I will always be here for you no matter what. I will always be your best friend," Lionel says

Neymar smiles brightly at him. It's a huge gummy smile that melts Lionel's heart. Someone so innocent deserves the world and more.


"You know I can't just leave whenever I want to," Kun groans

"I know.. I'm sorry but I just needed to see you," Neymar says

"I'm here.. are you still not done breaking my heart?"

Neymar swallows thickly. He's slightly hurt by Kun's comment but he lets it go.

"I'm in love with you"


"I said I'm in love with you."

Kun swallows thickly. He looks at Neymar seriously.

"Are you really?" He asks against the younger's lips

"I-I am," Neymar whispers out

"Good," Kun says finally connecting their lips for the first time.

Neymar closes his eyes and allows Kun to take complete control. He's finally at peace.

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