Another Lover

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Neymar was tired. More than tired, he was hurt. The love of his life had just gotten married and there was nothing else for him to do. He couldn't even say anything. Not one single word would've changed the outcome of the night.

Neymar didn't like the feeling of being heartbroken. He thought that maybe sleeping it off would help a little with the pain that he was feeling. He was not able to continue with his plan when a knock on his door interrupted him.

He got up very lazily and slowly. He didn't want to see anyone, but he also didn't want to worry anymore. Opening the door made him hate himself even more.

"Why are you here? You weren't even invited," he says, allowing the person to walk in.

"I was just swinging by.. thought maybe I could come see you.. see if you were okay."

"Right... well I'm fine. You can leave now."

"That's not the way to treat the man you love, Ney."

"If you hadn't noticed, the man I love just got married to a woman."

"You don't love him.. we both know that."

"How can you say that?" Neymar whimpers

"Why didn't you take your chance then huh?? Why did you pick me instead of him? Who's name do you call every single night? Who do you call to come see you when you're in the mood? Tell me, Neymar... who gets you hard?"

Neymar felt so small. He was pinned to the wall, the latter slowly rubbing him. He couldn't breathe. The scent felt so nice and familiar. That scent could ease him to sleep so quickly.

"You," he says softly

"That's right.. me. I get you like this. Only I can do this to you. So stop lying to yourself saying that you love Lionel when I'm the one who you've loved all along."


"It's okay baby.. daddy's here. Daddy's going to take care of all your needs baby."

Neymar allowed himself to be taken away from his reality for the time being. Cristianos lips felt cool against his very hot skin. He gripped the sheets and closed his eyes. This would be a night that he would never forget.

All his nights with Cristiano were unforgettable. But for some strange reason, this one felt extremely special. The ambient was different. Cristiano's kisses felt feverish and passionate. He was extremely needy.

But despite the fact that his hunger was very visible in his eyes, he was very gentle. It was as if he didn't want to hurt Neymar at all. Which wasn't a very Cristiano thing at all. Cristiano liked being rough and having Neymar scream.

But tonight all you could hear were small moans and whimpers of approval from the Brazilian player. Neymar pulled Cristiano down for a wet kiss before he came between their stomachs.

"I love you so much,Neymar"

Neymar's eyes went wide as the words left cristianos mouth. He moaned loudly when he felt cristiano's seed spill into him.

They showered and washed each other, not talking about the words that had been shared not long before. Cristiano was being extremely caring. It made Neymar think that maybe he wanted something.

"How do you feel about me?" Cristiano asked

"You are the only man in my life."

Cristiano smiled at the  answer. It wasn't what he would've wanted but it was good enough.

"Do you think you'd ever marry me?"

"You'd marry me?" Neymar asked

"I mean.. yeah.. I think I would like that.."

"I wouldn't mind. You're cute I guess," Neymar joked


"Wait... are you like being serious?"

"Uh.. no.. no.. not now.. I mean.. unless.. no.."

"Kiss me."

As cristiano kissed him, he managed to grab his finger and slip something down to the bottom of it.

"I don't like you."

"You're still going to marry me though.."

"You're right," Neymar smiled, looking at the very beautiful and extremely expensive ring on his  finger.

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