My Brother's best friend

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"I hope you know I really hate you," James says

"Yeah yeah.. Just move already," Lionel says pushing him off the bed

James groans. Lionel only laughs.

"I don't know why Cris even brings you!"

"You're very annoying you know?"

"Then get out my fucking room!!"

Lionel gets annoyed very quickly. He grabs James and throws him on the bed. James looks up at him confused.

"I'm trying to enjoy this movie. And all your blabbering is really annoying me. So shut your pretty mouth, will ya?"

"Make me!"

James is surprised to find Lionel's lips on his as soon as the words left his mouth. He's not disappointed though. Definitely not disappointed. He kisses back with a lot of passion and need.

He pulls Lionel down against him, letting a few moans escape his swollen lips. Lionel finds himself between the younger's legs, grinding against him.


Lionel smiles. James is a total mess. He likes to see James like that. He really does. It drives him crazy.

"You look cute," he says

"S-shut up!"

James' lips are red and swollen, and his hair is sticking up in all directions. It makes Lionel want to do things that he really shouldn't be thinking about.

"Will you let me watch my movie in peace now?"

"Nope. get out my room! Go watch it in Cristiano's!"

"He's with Marcelo," Leo says


"I'm not gonna watch them have sex. That's weird."

"What the fu-"

"Excuse you! Don't cu-"

"You're not my dad."

"I could be your daddy if you want," Leo winks

He chuckles when he seems James turn extremely red.

"I guess you do want me to."

"G-get out!"


"Why are you always so difficult?" James sighs

"You like me like that."

"I'd like you more if you stopped harassing me."

" you like it."

"I don't."

"Cmon James.. You don't have to lie to me. It's okay if you're still in love with me," Leo says

"Y-you! S-shut up! I was 14!"

"And your point is?"

"I.. I've grown out of that silly crush."

Lionel smiles, getting up and walking out. James finally lets out a breath he didn't even know he had been holding in this whole time.

"I.. I.. "

"James.. I don't have much time. What's up?"

Lionel is a little bit aggravated with the young teen. He doesn't have forever.

"R-right.. You see.. Umm.. I.. I'm-"


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