Thanks, Santa

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"Hello sir, would you like to-"

"How old are you?"

"Excuse me?"

"You look a little too old to be selling cookies," Cristiano says

"Ah.. I'm in high school.. We are selling sweets to buy Christmas presents for little kids in orphanages," the young teenager smiles

"Hmm.. Today is really not the day, son. Come back tomorrow."

"Oh.. Alright. Thanks sir!"

Cristiano sighs. A high schooler huh. This could be fun.

"Who was that?"

"Some high schooler dude selling cookies."

"And you didn't buy any?" She pouts

"Nope. Why, did you want some?"

"Yes! You suck!!"

"He'll Come back tomorrow."

"Ah really? Was he cute?"

"Very.. Like a little puppy."

"Awe, Cris.. Do you have a crush? Already!?" She giggles

"Shut up. I just think this could be a fun time. Nothing serious."

"Well, if you say so."

The teen comes back the next day. Cristiano is more than pleased to see him. The boy looks a little shy, but Cristiano likes it. He seems to really like everything he sees.

"Are you gonna buy today?" The guy asks smiling up at him

"Yeah.. Come in.. Show me what you've got."

His sister isn't here today but she did leave some requests of the types of cookies she wanted. Cristiano just gives the teen the note.

"Here ya go kid, this is what my sister wants."

"Ah.. I've ran out of a couple of these already.. There's awfully popular."

"You won't mind bringing the rest tomorrow then, right? I'll pay you extra. She'll kill me if she doesn't get them."

And Cristiano isn't really lying. His sister will definitely kill him.

"Of course. If I can't come then I'll send-"

"No. I won't take them if you're not here."


There's a small blush creeping up to his cheeks and Cristiano smirks.

"What's your name anyway?"'


"James.. That's a nice name."


"Are you dating anyone?"

"Ah.. No. I'm staying focused on my studies right now."

"Are you on your last year of high school ?"

"Yup. "

"Isn't this the year to be lazy? You're done. Loosen up a little kid."

"I-I'm not a kid!"

"Only kids complain about not being kids."


James comes back. He always comes back. Cristiano is always asking for more and the teen doesn't complain. He comes back everyday and the more he comes back the closer they get. And Cristiano starts to get a little fearful. He doesn't want to fall for a tiny teenager who's left it clear that he's not looking for a relationship.

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