You'll Always Be The Best

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"Well you look like shit," Gerard says

"Thanks," Lionel groans, not really in the mood.

"I'm sorry.. Leo what's wrong?"

"This game didn't go the way I expected it to," Leo sighs

"That's why you should never have expectations for these things. You never know how things will turn out in the end," Gerard says comfortingly

"I know.. But everyone thinks it was my fault. I didn't do enough-"

"Stop it, Leo. That's not true. You don't blame everything on one single player. You don't lose or have a bad game simply because one player wasn't doing his best. This is a team.. And if one of us wasn't doing so great, that meant that the rest of us were supposed to go on and carry out with what WE had to do. But it wasn't just you. It was everyone. We all could've done better. Everyone can always do better than what they do."

"Listen, so what if a couple of people are blaming you? They're probably just mad that things didn't go the way THEY expected them to. Everyone always needs someone to blame. And sometimes it's going to be you. But that doesn't change the fact that you're the best in the world and that I will always be here, loving you, no matter what."

Leo smiles, looking up at Gerard who's already leaning down to kiss him. It feels extremely nice. Pique is slightly rough, but Leo really enjoys the roughness. 

"I've missed you so much, Leo.. You're always so stressed about this.. We do this because we love it. Never forget that."


Gerard picks him and carries him into their bedroom. His heart is beating out of his chest for some strange reason. He feels Lionel's body so close to his and it drives him inside. His smell makes him feel dizzy.

The bed feels very soft. And seeing Lionel beneath him, red lips and flushed cheeks, makes him feel his ego grow even more.

"I'm glad you're mine."

And he really is. He's glad that after all of this, Leo still continues to choose him. Leo looks at him with soft loving eyes and pique almost feels bad for having such terrible and dirty thoughts about his lover.

But Lionel takis his thick index finger and starts to wrap his lips and tongue around it. He looks hot. That drives pique insane.

"Fuck, Leo."

Lionel smiles, letting the finger leave his lips. He pulls pique down to connect their lips once again. Their clothes have been disposed of. They lay somewhere on the ground but they don't care much for them.

They're only aware of each other. They're only aware of their needs. That's how it always is with them. There is no one else. There is only them.

"God, I love you so much."

Lionel doesn't say anything. And it doesn't discourage Gerard the least bit. He knows that Lionel will say it. Not yet. But once he actually gets the courage to.

"P-pique!" He whimpers

"God you're so tight."

"A-ah! P- pique!"

His thrusts are slow and gentle. He kisses every piece of skin that he can, marking Lionel in multiple places. He loves to see the latter's pale skin become bruised by his razor like lips.

"O-oh my- PIQUE!!"

Lionel's eyes are slightly opened.  But he's exhausted and feels his body start to grow limp. Pique is close. Lionel feels it too.

"P-pique! Ah~"

He's being a little rougher, moving Lionel with his deep and uneven thrusts. Lionel can't handle much anymore. He really can't.

"I-I.. Pique!"

"I'm close baby.. Fuck Leo! I'm so close!"



"I love you," Leo whispers, sleep thick in his voice

"I love you."

Lionel smiles.

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