My Manager

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"Marc! Marc!!"

Marc groans at the sudden sound that's interrupting his sleep. His head is pounding. He doesn't remember what happened last night.

"Marc.. Get up! Get up!"

"L-let go of me!"

Marc looks up at his best friend and for some reason he feels his throat get dry. His eyes are roaming the smaller male's body. Just seeing his clothed body makes him feel awfully hot and slightly aroused.

"Marc? Are you okay, Marc?"

"Y-yeah.. Why are you waking me up anyway?"

"Your girlfriend was worried about you.. And you weren't answering her calls so she asked me to come check up on you."

"Ah.. She knows not to worry about me. She's getting annoying."

"Marc, don't say that," he says softly

"I'm gonna break up with her Leo," Marc says


Marc smiles. Lionel looks so concerned. Why didn't Marc notice him before? Why is he realizing just now that he might be in love with his best friend?

"I.. I don't know. Relationships are not my thing," Marc yawns

"Yeah.. Parties and random hookups are," Leo sighs

"Is someone jealous?" Marc smirks

"M-me? Hah, you wish!"

"Oh trust me.. I do."


Marc pulls Lionel down on the bed. Lionel groans as he falls down on the bed and is soon being pinned down by Marc.

"What's gotten into you?" Lionel groans

"You.. You're in my system," Marc groans

"What are you even talking about? Get off me!"

"No. Look at me. I.. I'm in love with you!!"


"I love you, Leo."

"Stop messing with me.. "

"I'm not. I promise."

Marc soon gets to taste Lionel's soft pink lips. It feels so unreal.

Maybe that's because it wasn't-------

"Marc !!! Get up !!"

Marc jerks up. The face he had been dreaming off is only a few centimeters away from him. He backs up with a red face. He's happy to see that Lionel's cheeks are flushed as well.

"Why the hell are you waking me up, Leo?" Marc groans

"You forgot you have a shoot in less than two hours didn't you?"

"Oh fuck! Leo.. I'm so sorry.. I'll be ready in a few minutes babe."

Marc pauses. He has never called Lionel babe. Ever.

"Just hurry up!"


Marc was trying to focus. He really was. But he just couldn't help it. Not far away from here, stood a shy Lionel and a much taller guy he has never seen before. He was flirting with Lionel. That was unacceptable.

"I've never seen you around. I thought you were another model."

"Haha.. No.. I come to all of Marc's photo shoots. As his manager I have to make sure he attends all of them. "

"Good. I hope I can see you around more often," Neymar says

He had randomly approached Lionel. Lionel wasn't complaining though. The man was absolutely stunning.

"Okay that's a wrap everybody!"

Marc sighs happily. He immediately walks over to Lionel and his new friend.

"Marc, this is Neymar! He's really nice-"

"That's great. Nice to meet you. We're leaving," Marc says pulling Neymar away

"But we don't have anything else planned for the day," Lionel says

"It's fine. I have to get going anyway. I'll call you, Leo."

"Alright! Bye!"

"You gave him your number?" Marc hisses once they're alone

"Yeah. He's a really cool dude, Marc."

"No! He just wants to fuck you!"

"Why are you always saying that about everyone that approaches me!?"

"Because that's what they all want Leo! Why are you so gullible? No one is going to love you.. All they want to do is fuck you and that's it!"

And Marc truly didn't mean to say things the way they came out. Lionel is looking up at him with teary eyes that are ready to spill.

"No Leo... I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it like that.. It's just that.. When people say you and how cute and innocent you are, all they probably think about is how much they'd love to corrupt you.. And I don't.. I can't let someone do that.."

Marc cared about Lionel. And he didn't want anyone to ever take advantage of his best friend. He also didn't want anyone to ever touch Lionel. Lionel belonged to Marc. No one else but Marc could touch him. No one else could hear him moan. Never.

"You have to go see your girlfriend," Lionel simply says


"She's been calling me nonstop. Please stop ignoring her calls."

"I'm just gonna break her," Marc says


"Why not?"

"She's the only good thing that you've got in your life right now."

"No. You're the only good thing that I have in my life right now. And you won't leave me, right?"

"Of course not, Marc. I'll never leave you."

"Please don't, Leo."

Lionel smiled. If only Marc knew the things he did to him. He was in so much pain. But he could never leave Marc. He'd be there for him no matter how much it hurt him to see him with random girls all the time.

"Go see her and do whatever you think is right," Lionel says

"Leo.. Will you date me?"

"Are you high?" Lionel asks

"What? No.."

"Then stop being fucking dumb."


"Don't play with my heart, Marc Bartra. Don't make my life a mess. "'

"I.. "

"Listen.. I know that I just met Neymar but I think I want to get to know him.. And maybe something more will happen.. Who knows.. But I want to give it a try.."

"You can't be serious.. Leo.. You can't honestly-"

"Call her. I'm gonna go home."

"Leo! Wait-"

Marc sighed. What was he thinking? All these dreams he had be having about Lionel were really getting to his head.


Part 2 coming soon ;)

I miss bartessi

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