Room 306

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"You really think I should?" James asks nervously

"Yes. This will definitely help you get your work out there. And it'll show you if this is something that you might want to Pursue. James, your writing is stupendous. Plus, my very good friend is the one who's started all this. I'm sure you two will get along," his teacher says

"You think?"

"Yup. Mr. Ronaldo, room 306."


James isn't too sure at first. This is his last year of high school so of course he'd like to get out of his comfort zone and do something that will help him out later on in life.

He knocks on the door. He hears a few desks moving and wonders if maybe he should've come later. It's too late to go back now. Someone is opening the door.

"May I help you?"

James can't speak. He's in a trance. This man is so beautiful.

"H-hi.. I'm j-James.."

"Ah.. James.. Marcelo told me about you.. Come in.."


"So.. You like to write huh? Marcelo really likes you."

"Oh.. R-Really ?"

"Yup. I'm excited to see what you'll bring to the table. I hope we can become good friends," mr. Ronaldo says with a glint of something James can't put his finger on

James and Mr. Ronaldo did become good friends. Maybe a little too good. James couldn't help but to fall for the young teacher who shared a love for books and reading like him.

"Okay.. We're done for today. Go home and rest," Cristiano says

James smiles at the thought of the day where he had told him to call him Cristiano rather than Mr. Ronaldo.

"Are you sure, sir?"

"Yup. I'm going to head home as well. It's too late to be in school," Cristiano sighs

Just as they're grabbing their things, a strong storm falls. The lights shut off and James immediately holds onto the man for his dear life.

"J-James.. Calm down.. I'm right here," Cristiano chuckles lightly

"I-I'm sorry."

"Sh.. It's okay baby. I'm right here."

The storm becomes even stronger, lighting being the only thing lighting up the room.

"C-Cris!" He screams when the lighting becomes a lot more prominent and louder

"James.. Baby it's okay.. I'm right here."

Cristiano forces them on the floor. His back is against the wall while he holds James tightly in his arms. His heart is racing and he's afraid for what he might do next if James continues to be this close to him.

James really regrets leaving his phone by the computer. He can't see a thing.

"Are you okay?" Cristiano asks

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