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"This is an easy project guys. You will be able to work with a partner of your choice so please partner up."

The choice was clear for everyone. It was either James or Lionel. Everyone turned around to see the two small boys looking straight up, slightly scared of what would happen.

Everyone's eyes widened and soon they all turned away, disappointment visible in their eyes. James and Lionel both sighed happily, looking at each other like he had survived a war.

"Should we start today?" James asks

"Yeah, I can come over after school," Lionel says writing something down in his notebook

"Aren't you going to thank us?"

James and Lionel turn around and sigh.

"Okay I didn't expect them to look this Sad."

"Leo, can you please be my partner? I need help and you know it!" A blue eyed man whines

"Marc," Lionel whines quietly

"Please!" Marc begs

"Okay but you better do everything I tell you. "

Marc nods happily, sitting down next to Lionel. James gives Lionel a small pout because now he's all alone.

"Cristiano can work with you," Lionel says

Cristiano smiles down at James. James blushes but returns the gesture with a small smile. Cristiano sits next to James.

"I'm tired," Marc yawns

"We haven't even started," Lionel groans

"That's why you never work with your boyfriend," Cristiano says

"W-what!? He's not my boyfriend!" Lionel stutters out

"I can be," Marc says winking at him

"You're not my type."

Cristiano laughs while James simply smiles while looking down at his desk. Cristiano can't help but look at him. His crush on the smaller boy is probably extremely obvious but he doesn't really care.

"So when do you want to start working?" James says quietly

He doesn't seem so shy but he's very soft spoken and sweet. It makes Cristiano melt and it hurts him that James doesn't even realize what he does to Cristiano.

"Babe, tell your mom I'm coming over for dinner so to make-"

"My mom isn't home, Marc"

"So I guess we'll be alone," Marc smirks

"James is coming over today.. Cristiano and you can tag along though."

Marc groans. Lionel will never give into him.

"Give it up my brother," Cristiano chuckles as they walk to their lockers

"Never. Lionel Messi will be mine. "

"You're not his type."

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