Whatever Happens

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"Aren't you on cloud 9?" Cristiano laughs

Antoine turns around to see his rival. He smiles a little at the taller man as they approach each other.

"I am," he admits with a smile still planted on his face

He isn't ashamed to show his emotions to the world. It's something Cristiano has never quite understood about his young lover. He tries though. He tries so hard to understand Antoine so that the younger man doesn't leave him one day.

It's silly, but Cristiano thinks that if he knows a lot about Antoine then Antoine won't leave him. Cristiano needs to know everything about this man so that they never argue or have any disagreements.

"You're thinking too much, Cris," Antoine says

"I'm sorry.."

"Just-come here. Stop thinking so much."

Cristiano smiles as the smaller man pulls him in closer. Cristiano had missed those lips.

"When was the last time we were like this? I can't remember.."

"I know. But we're here now. So stop thinking so much about things that probably don't even matter," Antoine says looking up at him

"God I'm so in love with you. Promise me you'll never leave me. That no matter what happens you won't leave me.. Promise me.."

Antoine smiles. Cristiano didn't look like the type to need so much reassurance, but he did. He needed Antoine to always show him that he didn't love anybody else, that he wouldn't leave Cristiano.

"I'll never leave you. You know you're the only one I love," Antoine says

"Good.. Good.."

They spend the night together. The next morning is uneventful. They wake up and realize that they have to part ways before anyone starts to notice anything.

Cristiano doesn't want to let him go but he does. It feels wrong. He wants to be with Antoine all the time. He knows it's selfish of him to want Antoine for himself but he's a selfish man when it comes to Antoine. He can't help it.

"Mine," he says before kissing him one last time

They'll have to play against each other. One of them will lose and they both know that. Yet somehow they're both very calm. Cristiano knows that Antoine deserves it. But his country is important to him and he will never go easy on anyone.

They try to separate their work life as much as they can with their private life. It isn't always easy and they do end up clashing at times. But they both love each other too much to let anything get in the way.

"You okay?" Gareth asks

They met up for lunch. Cristiano doesn't answer. He simply continues to look  ahead of him. Gareth turns around and chuckles. Not far from them, two French natives speak happily.

"Isn't he a little too close?" Cristiano asks

"Umm.. They're pretty close so I don't think it's unusual," Bale simply says

"He shouldn't be that close to what's mine."

"I didn't know Griezmann was an object you could own," Bale says

"He's not an object.  But he's mine. So that man needs to back off before I-"

"Calm down Cris," Gareth says

Cristiano simply glares at them. He then looks away once he sees that Antoine has spotted him. The two walk towards them. Antoine has a huge smile on his face which makes Cristiano calm down a little.

"Cris," Antoine says happily

"Antoine... Olivier"

Olivier's name falls from his mouth bitterly. He doesn't try to hide the fact that he doesn't like the man.

"Ronaldo.. Gareth," Olivier smiles

Antoine notices how uncomfortable both Cristiano and Giroud look. He sighs. He doesn't know why they hate each other so much.

"Can we sit?" Antoine asks

Gareth and Cristiano both nod.  They make small talk but the air feels thick. Olivier and Gareth both end up leaving around the same time, leaving Antoine and Cristiano alone.

"I didn't know you were gonna go out," Cristiano says

"I was bored so Olivier asked me to go out with him," Antoine says

"You could've called me."

"Olivier asked me to hang out with him, Cris."


Antoine sighs. This man gets easily jealous. Way too easily.

"Everyone is out doing things.. You can um.. Walk me to my r-room if you'd like," Antoine says with a small blush forming on his cheeks

"I'd like that."

"Good," he says getting up

No matter what seems to happen, they can never be pulled away from each other.


Send in requests guys I literally don't have any ideas

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