Resisting Ginny

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Not My Story. This story belongs to PrincessPotter.


Resisting Ginny

Harry sat at the table with Ron and Hermione the next morning, eating breakfast and planning their day. Although they had passed their apparation tests, both Harry and Ron felt they needed more practice... Harry was just suggesting that they train by the lake when he trailed off. Ginny had entered the room, wearing cut-offs and a green tank top. Looking gorgeous of course, Harry thought as he stared at her, his eyes traveling over her.

He cleared his throat and forced his gaze away from her, trying to continue where he had left off. Ron was busy eating and hadn't noticed his pause but Hermione was smirking at him from across the table and he quickly looked down, focusing on his plate. Ginny said hello as she approached, grabbing a piece of toast from the table as she went. When she got to Harry she leaned down. He felt her beside him and her words from last night popped into his head for the thousandth time... If you stop letting yourself live he's already won... She turned his head and tilted his chin up with her hand and kissed him lightly... "Morning Harry." Harry froze; his body tensing and he gaped at her in shock as she walked out the door as though nothing had happened.

"Hey," Ron said from across the table, "What was that?"

"Yeah Harry," Hermione continued, "I thought you weren't together..." Harry stared at them.

"We're not!" he sputtered, looking back towards the door Ginny had just gone through.

"Well, apparently you need to remind Ginny of that then," Hermione replied and Harry groaned.

"Oh man... I'm in trouble... I think she has decided that my breaking up with her was a bad idea..."

"Well..." Hermione began, but he cut her off as he stood up.

"Don't even start Hermione, come on let's go."

When the trio arrived at the lake, they began apparating from one side to the other. They were having a fine time until about 15 minutes in, when Ginny walked to a tree nearby with a book and a blanket. Harry groaned inwardly when he saw her approach, knowing she was up to something. He tried to ignore her, focusing on trying to distract Ron while he apparated, making sure he could do it successfully at any moment. This was probably one of those moments that they would look back on when they were older and wonder how no one got hurt, since none of them would have known what to do if they actually hadn't apparated successfully.

Holy crap he thought a few seconds later, dropping his arms and totally forgetting to distract Ron... Ginny was undressing by the tree. His mouth went dry as he watched her pull off her shirt and shorts, revealing a red bikini with white flowers. His eyes narrowed and he stalked towards her, muttering under his breath as he went. She was just sitting down when he got to her side. "Ginny," he said lowly, "what are you doing? This isn't going to work."

She looked up at him and reclined back on her elbows, stretching out her legs... Heat erupted in Harry's stomach as his eyes traveled down her body, and his mind traveled to the gutter. She had always been petite, but quiddich had been good for her and Harry couldn't help appreciating her flat stomach and lean legs as his eyes moved over her. "I don't know what you're talking about Harry, I just came here to read a book. I can't help it if you're here too." He rolled his eyes and leaned down, pulling her up by the arm. "ugh... Harry!"

"What's going on?" Hermione asked as she and Ron walked up.

"I'll be right back," Harry said, before he turned on his heel and he and Ginny disappeared with a pop.

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