Only a Game

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About two weeks into the semester Ginny was walking down the hall with some of her friends when she heard someone call her name. “Oi! Ginny!” She turned and saw Harry coming towards her with a smile. What is he doing here? She thought as she forced a smile. “Harry?”

An image of him throwing himself to his knees and expressing his undying love and then begging her forgiveness flooded her mind and her heart began to pound as he got closer.

“McGonagall is letting us take our N.E.W.T. exams that we missed last year. We’re up here working out the details” he said when he got to her. A bucket of cold water was thrown on her and she shook the disappointment from her heart, willing her smile not to slip off of her face. 

“That’s great,” she said. She started to say something else but she was cut off as Luna walked up.

“Hello Harry,” she said, smiling serenely at him. 

“Hey Luna,” he said with a smile. “How are you? I love the earrings,” he said, noticing that she had on a pair with butterflies that were flapping their wings. She smiled vaguely and reached up, playing with one of them.

Harry shot a glance at Ginny and they shared a quick smile as Luna began to respond. 

“Oh do you? Thanks, Ginny found them for me… Oh, and Harry, do you know those girls are staring at you?”

Harry looked over Ginny’s shoulder and ran a hand through his hair, “um, yeah, thanks, I had noticed that.” Ginny turned and watched as a group of fifth year girls tittered and ran the other way. She turned back around and rolled her eyes. 

“It’s the whole, scar, chosen one, more famous than I deserve thing,” he said watching them go. “Rather annoying that.”

“Oh no, it’s not that,” Luna said lightly as she began to walk away. “They're just jealous of the way you’re looking at Ginny. See you later.” 

Heat flooded Ginny’s cheeks and she started walking quickly, while Harry stood frozen, his mouth hanging open. “Where are Ron and Hermione?” Ginny asked, trying to sound casual, as though Luna hadn’t spoken at all, even though she thought she might start crying at any moment. 

“She’s talking to you boy,” an old wizard in a nearby painting called to him and Harry jerked his head up, realizing he hadn’t moved. He ran to catch her and fell into step beside her. “Um, what did you say?”

“Where are Ron and Hermione?” she repeated.

“Oh, she dragged Ron to the library, and as exciting as that sounded, I decided to pass… I thought I would check out the Quidditch pitch since Hagrid is away.” 

“Oh yeah, I heard he is getting supplies for some new lesson… I am soooo glad I dropped Care of Magical Creatures,” she said with a shudder and he laughed; the awkwardness from before gone. Ginny felt her heart flip over at the sound of his laugh; it was deep and smooth, and just for her.

“Do you want to come with me?” he said, looking over at her. 

“Ok,” she replied after a minute, cursing her unwavering need to stay near him.Moving on is certainly going well so far, she thought sarcastically. She didn’t look over at him as they walked but he watched her for a second. It had been two weeks since he had seen her and he had missed her.

They talked about random things as they walked and Ginny could feel his excitement building as they approached the field. When they arrived it wasn’t empty, since a lot of the seventh years were on their break. Ginny waved at some friends who were flying overhead and Harry looked up. His good mood was threatened when he recognized Logan and another boy landing in front of them. He felt a surge of jealously shoot through him as he eyed Logan and batted it down. 

One Look ~ Harry/Ginny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now