The Healer's Daughter

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They approached the house slowly, moving carefully under the invisibility cloak. It was raining softly, slowly soaking them through the fabric. “We’re really getting too big for this, we need another one” Hermione muttered as they moved, holding Harry up between them. He was dead weight, his head hanging limply and Ron glanced over at him, shifting him so that Hermione had to carry less of his weight and speeding up his steps. When they reached the door they lowered Harry to the ground and pulled the cloak off so that it only covered him. They rang the bell and waited, holding their breath. When no one came they rang the bell again and eventually the door opened slowly. A blonde girl around their age looked out cautiously. “Yes?” 

“Is Dr. Ward here? We need his help,” Hermione said. The girl looked at them, taking in their wet and disheveled appearance, trying to decide what to do. 

“Is someone hurt?” she asked finally, “because my dad doesn’t see people at home, you will have to go to the hospital.” 

Hermione and Ron exchanged a look before Ron said, “Look, is he here or not? We need to see him.” The girl’s eyes narrowed suspiciously at his tone and she began to close the door. 

“I’m sorry, I don’t know you so -” She didn’t finish as Ron caught the door with his hand and shoved it back open as he grabbed her. He pushed her back into the house, covering her mouth as she cried out.

Hermione came in behind him, closing the door after she got Harry, still covered, inside. “Look we aren’t going to hurt you,” she said when she saw the panic in the girls eyes; “we just need to see your father.” They didn’t have to wait for a response because Daniel Ward came running down the stairs at that moment, leaping over the last few steps, wand drawn.

“Let go of my daughter now,” he said, pointing the wand at Ron. 

“Are you Dr. Ward?” Ron replied, not letting go of the blonde. 

“Please,” Hermione said quickly, yanking the cloak off of Harry who was lying on the floor beside her, pale and still, “we just need your help! We can’t go the hospital!” The wizard’s gaze flicked to the boy on the ground and his eyes widened as he took in the scar on his forehead. Ron let go of the girl and she ran to her father as he slowly lowered his wand, catching her and moving her behind him as he looking back at Harry. “Please,” Hermione said, her voice trembling as her resolve faltered. Dr. Ward looked up at her and then Ron before kneeling beside Harry. 

“Beth, go get my bag. What happened to him?” Beth, whose eyes had been locked on Harry, dragged her eyes away from him at the sound of her name and quickly ran back upstairs.

“He fell,” Ron answered as she left, shooting a glance at Hermione. Dr. Ward didn’t look up, he just kept examining Harry. 

“He fell… That’s the story you’re sticking with? If you want me to save him I need to know what happened.” Ron looked at Hermione again and she started talking. 

Dr. Ward didn't look very optimistic as he got Harry into bed and forced Ron and Hermione to wait in another room. He knew that whatever potion and magic Voldemort had used on the cup was probably powerful, and without knowing what it was it would be difficult to help him. He had to basically threaten not to treat Harry at all before Ron finally agreed to leave the bedroom so that he could work. 

“Come on Ron,” Hermione said softly, taking his hand in hers. He looked down as he felt her warmth seep into his arm and allowed her to pull him from the room, following her back to the den. As Hermione led him down the stairs her fear for Harry began to overwhelm her.

Hermione could tell that the healer was worried and broke down as they sat on the sofa downstairs. She started crying and Ron pulled her to him in a hug, trying to comfort her, even though he felt as panicked as she looked. “What if he dies? Oh God, what will we do?” she sobbed into his chest. 

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