Whatever You Want

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It was almost a week before Harry saw Ginny. You would think that one day they would actually close this off, he thought as he crawled through the tunnel from the shrieking shack to the whomping willow. But even as he thought it he was glad they hadn't yet since he needed it. He slipped his invisibility cloak on and made his way to the castle.

He actually saw her in the hall, walking with some friends but he didn't approach her. He watched her for a minute as she talked and laughed excitedly about something as they walked, her hair bouncing around her. When she turned the corner and disappeared out of view he continued on, making his way through the familiar halls until he reached the portrait of the fat lady. He waited against the wall until someone came out and slipped through the opening, into the familiar common room.

He made his way up to the head girl's room and went inside. It certainly is a nice room, he thought as he looked around. It was a round room, with a large bookcase and desk to one side that curved with the wall and large bed. There was a door leading to a private bath and a large fireplace with ornate carvings. He had considered using it to get here, since he knew it was still connected to the network, but had decided against it. He looked at her posters and piles of clothes discarded near her closet. It seemed like her, a nice balance of order and chaos. Finally he sat down on the bed to wait.


When Ginny entered her room later, she found Harry lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling with his arms folded behind his head. He looked like he had been there awhile, as she noticed that his shoes were off and there were a couple of books beside him on the bed. He looked over at her when he heard her enter and she paused for a second before walking to her desk.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she started pulling her books out of her bag. Harry sat up and watched her as she stacked them one at a time on her desk.

"You know what I'm doing here," he said quietly.

Ginny didn't look at him as she moved around her room, walking to her closet to take off her robe. He followed her with his eyes.

"How's Beth?" She asked as she pulled out a hanger and slipped off her sandals. He paused before answering. He saw that her hands were unsteady as she fumbled with the hanger.

"I don't know," he replied truthfully, continuing to watch her. "She's not talking to me right now."

Finally, unable to come up with anything else to do, she shut her closet door and turned towards him. She crossed her arms across her chest, as though trying to shield herself. "Why not?"

Harry stood up and began walking slowly towards her as though she was a frightened animal; afraid she would run away if he moved too fast. "Well, I broke up with her," he said as he approached, watching her eyes but they remained shuttered, closed off from him.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," he said softly.

She took a step back as he got closer but ran into her closet and soon he was in front of her, trapping her between his body and the wall and filling her vision so she closed her eyes. He stopped when he was in front of her and raised his hands to her face, running the tips of his fingers gently over her features as he continued. "I didn't think it was fair to stay with her... because... you see I'm in love with someone else." Ginny felt his fingers moving over her eyes and down her cheeks, her skin tingling where he touched it. Harry followed his fingers with his eyes, bringing them to rest on her lips.

Ginny's eyes flickered open and she looked at him. "Oh, yeah?" she breathed against his fingers.

"Yeah," he said, bringing his eyes back to hers. "It's the strangest thing. I tried to deny it, I tried to ignore it, but I just can't stop... and any attempt to do so came to a crashing halt the other night."

One Look ~ Harry/Ginny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now