A Fragile Friendship

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Harry found Ginny in the tree house. He hadn’t been looking for her; it just seemed like a good place to hide out while he thought. Apparently she had thought the same thing. 

He climbed up the rungs and through the trap door quickly, not wanting anyone to see where he was going but he stopped when he was halfway in. She was sitting with her back to him, staring out the window that overlooked the lake. For a second he thought about climbing back down but instead he climbed in and sat down beside her. The sat together, looking out at the lake for a few minutes.

Harry wasn’t sure what to say so he didn’t say anything and she didn’t seem to mind the silence so he just sat next to her, lost in his own thoughts. He felt the need to apologize to her, but he didn’t know what for.

“Who is she?” Ginny finally asked, not bothering to look over at him. He looked over at her for a second, before looking back out the window.

“She is the healer’s daughter. The one Ron talked about who helped us. We stayed at his house for awhile… it kind of became our headquarters I suppose.”

As they talked they didn’t look at each other, they just kept looking out the window. It was almost like they were listening to the conversation and not participating in it. Harry told her about how they met, how Beth had watched over him and stayed with him while he recovered. “I was so angry then… I was cruel to her at first but she didn’t leave. She just kept talking to me, being with me until my anger faded… She saved me…” he paused, thinking back. “She was so different from you,” he said after a minute. “She was quiet and soft… she reached me when I wouldn’t let anyone else in.” 

They fell silent again and Ginny ran a hand through her hair distractedly. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Part of her was thankful that someone had helped him, but the other part of her broke at the realization that they had been helping him move on. Helping him get over her.

“Do you love her?” Ginny asked quietly after awhile.

“Yes,” he said. And he meant it.

Ginny didn’t know how to feel. “So, what does this mean?” she asked, “I suppose we don’t hate each other anymore.” Harry looked over at her at this and she turned her head, meeting his eyes. The sadness in hers hit him like a wave, crashing over him and filling him with a profound understanding of what they had lost. What had been taken from them. He studied her for minute before answering. 

“I guess we’re friends. We try to be friends again. I mean, if you want that. That's all I can give you... I’m with Beth; we can’t just go back to how things were. We have different lives now.”

Ginny nodded. “I know. I didn’t expect…” Ginny replied trailing off as she watched his eyes. She had always loved his eyes, loved the way he looked at her and she saw his struggle in them. She still couldn’t really believe that this was happening, that they were having to have this discussion. She wasn’t even over the shock of the letters and now this. 

She turned her head away, unable to look at him anymore. Harry continued to watch her, and saw a stray tear make its way down her cheek. 

“Gin, please don’t…” he began but she shook her head quickly and he fell silent.

“I’m fine…I… I just don’t know what I’m supposed to be feeling,” she said, wiping the tear away. “I’ve been so angry, and hated you… and now I find out that it was all fake… I…”

Harry pulled her to him, resting his head on hers. “I’m so sorry Gin… I don’t know what to feel either.” 

She shook her head, “Don’t. Don’t be sorry, it wasn’t your fault.” He smiled into her hair. 

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