I'd Wait Forever

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Not my story


I'd Wait Forever

The night before they were supposed to leave Harry stared at the ceiling in bed, unable to sleep. He shifted onto his side, trying to get more comfortable but it was no use. He let out a frustrated sigh and rolled over, trying his other side. He couldn't sleep. Thoughts of what was going to happen tomorrow and thoughts of Ginny kept whirling around in his brain. He heard Ron snoring, having fallen asleep almost immediately and suddenly hated him with a passion. The bloody git can sleep through anything, he thought. He grabbed his wand from his dresser and threw a silencing charm at him before flipping back over and trying again. The silence was just too unnatural after years of hearing Ron's snores from across the room and after a few minutes Harry removed the charm and turned onto his back, his frustration mounting.

Finally, he threw his covers off of him and sat up. He got up slowly, listening for any change in Ron's snores as he moved. He opened the bedroom door slowly and had a mild heart attack when it creaked. His head jerked towards Ron when he heard him shift in his bed at the sound. Harry let out a slow calming breath as it became clear that Ron hadn't woken, and crept into the hall. When he reached Ginny's door he stopped, unsure of whether to continue. After a minute he threw caution to the wind and turned the knob slowly. The only light in the room came from the window, as a strip of moonlight fell across the bed at angle, casting the room in a gentle blue light.

God she's beautiful even when she's asleep, he thought as he came to a stop next to her bed.

Ginny was sleeping peacefully, her red hair framing her face on the pillow and her sheets pushed down to her waist. Harry's breath caught as he watched her. He could see her breathing in and out slowly, one arm folded behind her head and the other resting on her stomach. As he stood there she shifted in her sleep, as if making room for him on the bed. Slowly Harry leaned down and slipped under the covers and into the bed with her.

"What the!" Ginny mumbled groggily as she woke, moving automatically away from the person beside her.

"Shhhh" Harry said, as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back down beside him.

"Harry" she said softly, melting into him... "What are you doing here?" He shifted up on his side and gazed down at her. She just looked at him as he cupped her cheek in his hand. His emerald eyes were bright and shining at her through the darkness around him.

"So beautiful" he murmured as he leaned in and caught her lips in a lingering kiss. Breaking away after a minute, Harry snaked his arm back around her waist and shifted her, pulling her over until her back was settled against his chest. "I couldn't sleep," he said into her ear, as if that made it ok for him to be in her bed with her parents down the hall.

Now on her side, Ginny's eyes went the picture of them that was sitting on her nightstand. It had been taken at Hogwarts and they were sitting under a tree by the lake. Ginny was sitting in between Harry's legs, her back against his chest and his arms wrapped around her. At they moment they sleeping peacefully and Ginny watched as Harry pulled her closer, resting his head on hers. Ginny looked away, her vision suddenly blurry and snuggled against the Harry behind her.

"I'm leaving tomorrow," he whispered as she snuggled deeper into him. He had his arm wrapped around her, with his hand on her stomach. She moved her arm over his, taking his hand.

"I know," she said softly, becoming still.

"I just wanted to be near you," he whispered as he leaned down and kissed her neck softly. She shivered slightly at his touch and felt the tears she had been fighting all day begin to threaten her again. "I... I don't know how long we're going to be gone," he continued tentatively, talking into her skin. "I know you'll be at Hogwarts, so you'll be safe... but... I don't know what's going to happen..."

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