Harry's Choice

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Ginny woke up on a bed in a room she didn’t recognize. She jerked up, looking around, but didn’t see any doors or windows. She was alone. Her head was pounding and she closed her eyes, her hand going to her forehead as she tried to remember what had happened. She remembered walking down the street in Hogsmeade. She remembered leaving her friends to go on ahead to her brother’s shop but that was it.

She got up slowly and moved around the room, running her hands along the wall, trying to detect any sign of a concealed door. By the third time around she was completely frustrated and gave up with a huff. She didn’t want to go back to the bed, for some reason it made her nervous, and instead went to stand in the middle. For awhile she yelled out, asking if anyone could hear her and demanding that she be let out, but after awhile she gave up on that too. Finally she sank to the floor and rested her back against the wall.


Harry woke as he was being half dragged, half carried down a hallway. His head was pounding and he tried to struggle but the two wizards on either side of him held his arms. They opened a door at the end of the hall and thrust him inside. He landed hard on his hands and knees, his head still groggy from the stunning spell. One of the wizards kicked him in the stomach and he curled over with a grimace as they left and the door disappeared. 

Holding his stomach with his arm, Harry sat up with a groan and looked around him. He was in what looked like a small bedroom, but there weren’t any windows and only one candle mounted on the wall. The air was stale, like the room hadn’t been used in a long time. He squinted, looking around but the only thing he could see was a bed to one side. He had just pulled himself to his feet when a movement caught his eye and a figure came towards him from the other side of the bed. 

“Ginny!” He said, relief filling his voice as he pulled her to him. The panic that had filled him when she went missing ebbed away as he realized she was alive. “Are you alright love? Are you hurt?” She shook her head, wrapping her arms around him. Relief filled her momentarily as she leaned against him. She didn’t know how long she had been here and was thankful to see another person. “Where’s Beth?” He said, looking around.

Ginny pulled back and looked up. “I don’t know, I haven’t seen anyone, is she here too? What are we doing here?” The fear that had gripped her earlier flooded back; if they were all here, it couldn’t be good. Harry cupped her cheek with his hand, seeing the fear fill her eyes. “I don’t know, but I’m going to get you out of here, ok?”

She smiled slightly at this, “And how are you going to do that? I doubt they left you your wand.” Harry smiled but could tell that she was frightened. He caressed her cheek with his thumb as he looked into her eyes. 

“I’ll find a way… I won’t let them hurt you… I promise.” With this he kissed her on the cheek, letting his lips linger on her skin. He pulled away but not much, hovering next to her, as if trying to decide whether to move to her lips. Ginny could feel his breath on her skin and her eyes began to water. Her hands were resting on his sides and she fiddled with the hem of his shirt, letting her eyes close at the comfort of his nearness.

She didn’t care that he was with someone else as his lips met hers. She was frightened and wanted his comfort so she kissed him back, opening her mouth to him as he pulled her face more firmly against his with his hand.

In another room, Beth was sitting against a wall, watching the scene unfold before her on the wall across from her, as if projected by an invisible source. A hooded figure was crouched next to her, whispering to her. “Get away from me,” she said harshly, trying to ignore the figure beside her. She trusted Harry and she knew he would comfort Ginny, but refused to listen to the poison the person was whispering into her ear. She dropped her head and stared at the floor when Harry kissed Ginny on the cheek. She didn’t see when he moved to her mouth. With a pop the wizard beside her disappeared and he reappeared in the room with Harry. The picture faded away and Beth was left in darkness as she tried not to cry.

One Look ~ Harry/Ginny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now