A New Enemy

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Two days after the trio got back, Mrs. Weasley took Ron Hermione and Harry to Diagon Alley, insisting they get new robes. “They are a disgrace! Look at the holes!” she exclaimed as she moved towards her son. He tried to shield himself behind Hermione, but that only gave his mother more momentum. “And look at poor Hermione!” she said, gesturing at the girl before her. “Wearing robes that are two seasons old and barely fit! Get your things; we are leaving right now… GINNY!!”

Ginny groaned as she heard her name. She’s mental if she thinks I am going with them she thought as she returned to her book. It is really amazing how naïve a daughter can be, especially when her mother is Molly Weasley.

An hour later Ginny, Harry, Hermione and Ron were making their way down Diagon Alley with Mrs. Weasley and a couple of aurors Ginny didn’t recognize to look for new robes. Although Voldemort had been defeated he still had supporters so the ministry had given Harry extra protection. Ginny stayed near her mother as they walked, unwilling to get drawn into a conversation with the trio. 

Everything went relatively well at first. Everyone was civil and when they arrived at the shop Ginny stayed in the front while the others tried on robes in the back. There wasn’t anyone else in the shop and Ginny was enjoying her book when she felt herself jerked roughly out of her chair. 

One minute Harry was trying on a new robe, the next minute there were screams, flashes and smoke everywhere. As he made his way out of the dressing room his blood ran cold. Mrs. Weasley was unconscious on the floor, blood seeping out of a cut on her forehead and Ron and Hermione were nowhere to be found. He could see the aurors through the window, waiting outside and apparently oblivious to what was happening. They had to have heard the screams he thought. There must be a charm on the shop. 

Harry’s eyes moved from the window to a wizard standing by the door holding a struggling Ginny with a hand over her mouth, muffling her cries. He was scruffy looking, his dull drown hair streaked with grey and he was wearing a tattered black robe that was too short and showed his well worn boots. “Hello Potter,” he said. “I’ve got your girlfriend here. I think she misses you.” Harry said nothing. He just narrowed his eyes as his hand tightened convulsively around his wand.

“What, nothing to say Potter? I see why you would like her,” he continued, running his hand across her stomach and up until is was resting just under her breast, pulling her more firmly against him. “She does seem to have spirit.”

At his words, Ginny began struggling more desperately. “What do you want?” Harry asked, a silent fury glinting behind his eyes.

“I need something from you, so I figured hey, what better way to get it than to take something from you that can be traded. I’m sure you’ll be willing to do just about anything to save her, so I… aaarg!” 

His speech was interrupted as Ginny brought her heel down as hard as she could on his foot and spun away from him and out of his grasp. I knew there was a reason I had six brothers she thought as she moved. 

Harry waited for Ginny to get out of the way before throwing a curse at the wizard but he blocked it and threw one at Ginny - “crucio!” Ginny screamed as she dropped to the floor. Harry moved towards her but stopped short as the man’s wand swung towards him. “Now now Harry,” He taunted. He flicked his wand quickly at her and she screamed again, curling into a ball on the floor, trying to lessen the agony and stop her body from twitching…

“What do you want?” Harry asked again, his voice low… 

“I work for someone who wants to meet you… the great Harry Potter who brought down The Dark Lord,” the man said as he moved behind Ginny. “So, I’m going to take the girl as a little insurance that you show up,” he said.

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