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Draco began to wonder if this was some sort of pattern when he found himself shoved up against the wall yet again. This time, however, it was Ron who held him in place, with Ginny and Hermione standing behind him looking murderous.

“Where is he?” Ron spat.


“Riddle. Where would he be? Where would he take Harry?”

“Do you think I’m stupid? I’m not going to tell you… he’ll kill me.”

“Oh bloody hell Malfoy, I’ll kill you,” Ginny said moving toward him but Hermione caught her arm and pulled her back. 

Ron pulled Malfoy away from the wall and slammed him back into it before dropping him and backing up. When he was level with Ginny and Hermione all three of them raised their wands as Mafloy reached for his.

“Tell us where he is,” Ron demanded, itching to throw a curse but knowing they wouldn’t get anywhere if they hexed him too quickly. 

Draco was standing, his legs spread and his shoulders set for a fight as he glared at the three wands pointed at him.

He was distracted however by a flurry of white moving into his vision.

Luna seemed to come out of nowhere as she stepped in front of Draco, laying a hand on his chest and gazing up at him. He glanced down at her small hand, pale on his dark robes and in that moment all of the fight left him and he lowered his wand.

“Tell them Draco. If you want to be good, here is your chance.”

He stared at her, transfixed for a moment as she held his gaze steadily, waiting for him to do what was right. She believed in him. She was the only person who believed in him. He couldn’t disappoint her.

Behind them Ginny Ron and Hermione shot shocked glances at each other, seeing the effect that Luna had on him. Finally he looked up from Luna’s face and at Ginny.

“I don’t know if he has Harry, but Riddle’s at…” He trailed off, rubbing a hand over his face. “He’s at Malfoy manor.”

“WHERE?!?” Ron bellowed, stepping forward and raising his wand to his face. “YOU FILTHY, RUDDY DEATH EATER! YOU’VE BEEN HELPING HIM?!”

“LOOK I DIDN’T HAVE A CHOICE DID I? HE’S INVINSIBLE, HE HAS A HORCRUX! I HAVEN’T HELPED HIM!” Malfoy shouted back, although his eyes had dropped to Luna as she drew her hand away and took a step back.

“I… No, Luna I…” he trailed off as he saw her expression change. Damn it

“What did you do? Help him recover? Were you his wormtail?” Ginny spat and he shook his head vaguely, his eyes glued on Luna; silently begging her to believe him. 

“No… I don’t know how he managed that… he… he was there when I got back from… from Azkaban… I haven’t helped him… I've been here...”

It was Hermione’s turn to speak. “So, you really expect us to trust you? To believe that you have changed?”

Malfoy merely nodded vaguely, his eyes still on Luna as Hermione continued.

“You knew where he was? You knew where his horcrux was and it never occurred to you that you could just tell the ministry and they would get rid of him?” 

At this Malfoy looked up. He opened his mouth but no sound came out so he shut it, and the expression that crossed his face told them that he had, in fact, not thought to do that. He blinked and shook his head, speaking lowly. “They wouldn’t have believed me. They didn’t even believe Harry Potter, why would they believe me? He is too powerful for them…”

One Look ~ Harry/Ginny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now