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Riddle smiled in triumph as Harry told him his choice. He rose up and spun around, facing the girls, a sick smile on his lips. 

“Wait,” Ginny said suddenly, her mind working furiously. “What if… what if I stay with you?” Harry’s head snapped up at this and Riddle looked at her and cocked his head to the side. 


Ginny looked at Harry then back to Riddle, her heart pounding. “You… you said you wanted to take someone from Harry… you don’t have to kill anyone to do that…” Harry’s heart slammed into his chest as he realized what she was doing. 

“Ginny,” he said lowly but she ignored him. 

“You said it yourself,” she continued, watching as Riddle began to move toward her. “You need an heir, I’m a pureblood. Let Beth go and… and I will stay with you.”

“Ginny! Shut up, what are you doing?” Harry yelled at her, causing her gaze to flick back to him. 

“I don’t really want to die today Harry,” she said to him. “And I’m sure Beth doesn’t want to either, so if you don’t mind…” she turned her gaze back to Riddle, who was looking at her as if trying to decide if she was mental or just stupid. After a minute he spoke. 

“It is an interesting proposition I must admit, but I think watching one of you die will be enough so -” but Ginny interrupted him.

“Really? Because Harry has always believed he would get one of us killed eventually, so it can’t really be a shock for him. But if he dies knowing I am with you… that you will be in… in my bed, doing what he never finished… it, it would be much more poetic… don’t you think?” Riddle stared at her, processing what she had said before he began to smile. He threw back his head and laughed. 

Harry felt a brand new terror fill him, what if he accepted? Riddle turned his head toward Harry as he stalked towards her, tucking his wand into his robes… “Oh Harry! You had this girl wanting you and you didn’t take her? You are a bigger fool than I thought you were!” Harry’s eyes were murderous as Riddle pulled Ginny to him. 

“Don’t touch her…”

But they ignored him and Ginny looked up at Riddle, her heart pounding, please let this work. “Do you want to try again, with less fighting this time?” He threw one last look at Harry before kissing her deeply. This time Ginny kissed him back and didn’t fight. As Riddle deepened the kiss Ginny moaned, pushing against him. Harry’s mouth fell open as he watched, fighting the bile that rose in his throat as he saw her return Riddle’s kiss with enthusiasm. 

Ginny was fighting the urge to throw up as well. She closed her eyes, trying to pretend it was Harry, but he tasted different. She steeled her insides and played the part, taking his tongue into her mouth and moaning as she struggled against her bonds to move closer. As Riddle wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against him she felt the bonds holding her arms give way, allowing her to wrap them around his neck. She rejoiced inside as she began moving her hands over his chest and on his back, thanking her mother for having Fred and George.

After a few more minutes Riddle broke away, startled by her passion, but clearly excited by it. He grinned and leaned back in to her as Ginny fought the urge to back away. “You know what my dear?”

“What,” she ground out, moving her hands behind her.

“I think that I might just take you up on your offer… and you know what the funny part is?” She shook her head, holding her breath. He turned her so that she was facing Harry and leaned in to whisper in your ear. “Harry is about to die, so take a good look while I tell you what’s funny.” He leaned in closer and lowered his voice so that only she could hear. “The funny part Ginny… is that he chose you… you weren’t the one who was going to die today.” 

One Look ~ Harry/Ginny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now