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Not my story



Ginny didn't hear anything from Harry for several weeks after he left. No one heard from any of them. Mrs. Weasley was an odd mix of fury and fear, and no matter how many times Ginny tried to tell her she didn't know that they were leaving, her mother didn't believe her. As correct as her mother was, there was no way Ginny would ever actually admit it so they finally reached an unspoken truce about the situation; meaning that Ginny stayed in her room until she left for school.

She went back to Hogwarts and began her 6th year classes in a bit of a daze. Her mother had grounded her for the rest of her life but she didn't care. It was strange being there without Harry... without her brothers... without Dumbledore. She did well in her classes of course. She would sit in the common room at night and do her homework because she didn't feel like doing much else. She knew that he wouldn't be able to write a lot, that owls would be too easy to track, but she grew more depressed as the days passed. She couldn't help it. She missed him and hated not knowing if he was alright.

His first letter arrived at breakfast and Ginny felt like her heart would burst. She skipped her first class to read it. He couldn't tell her much about what he was doing in case the letter got intercepted, so he filled the letter with questions about her, thoughts on their future and words of love. He told her to stop spending her time by herself, that he had seen her on the marauders map. She wrote him back that night and was in a good mood after that. Somehow getting the first letter had eased her fears. She got three more letters over the next month, each one shorter than the last, but she didn't mind, getting anything was enough and she wrote him back each time, filling her letters with love. It never occurred to her that he might not have wanted to write back.

It was in November that her world crashed around her. It had been several weeks since his last letter and this one came at breakfast. She waited until after classes to read it. She had been called to Professor McGonagall's office after the fourth time she had skipped to read his letter and one detention with Filch was enough for her. As she opened the parchment and started reading her eyes widened in shock and she began to have trouble breathing. "Dear Ginny, I don't know how to say this. I have done a lot of thinking while we have been apart. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you, but I just don't think I can do this any longer. I don't know how to explain it; I just know in my heart that you aren't the one. I loved our time together, but this task has made me realize what is and isn't really important to me. I have watched Ron and Hermione get closer and it occurred to me that I hadn't really thought about you in weeks. I don't want to lead you on and think it is best if we stop communicating. I hope you can forgive me one day, I truly believed what I told you before I left, but I don't know... I guess time apart has made me realize I was wrong. I hope that one day we can be friends again. ~ Harry"

This has to be wrong, she thought as she finished. This is his handwriting, but it must be from someone else... it has to be a trick... She wrote him back with a shaking hand, telling him of the letter and asking if he knew who could have sent it. She told him that she loved him and missed him, unable to believe that he could have written it. As she tried to sleep the words in the letter haunted her...

Harry received a similar letter from Ginny around the same time. He ripped it open, desperate to feel near her, but as he read it his hands started shaking. "Dear Harry, I don't really know what to say. I took your advice and have been spending more time with my friends. They have been great and really helped to lift my spirits. But I think that's the problem. It occurred to me the other day that I haven't really missed you or thought about you in several weeks. This worried me you know? I thought, how can I love you if I never think of you anymore? Never worry about you? Maybe we are just too young and jumped into something too fast. I think that it is better if we stop writing each other. You will be safer that way anyway. I hope one day you can forgive me, I truly believed what I said before you left, but I don't know... I guess time apart has made me realize I was wrong. Tell Ron hello for me. ~ Ginny

One Look ~ Harry/Ginny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now