I Know Love

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Ginny knew he was angry. She knew he was livid and he refused to look at her. They got him to the hospital wing and onto a bed and Madame Pomfrey began healing him, working on his bruises and cuts and broken ribs. He was badly bruised, with a busted lip and a pretty bad cut on his cheek but there wasn’t anything that couldn’t be healed pretty quickly. Ginny moved to the side of his bed and took his hand but he jerked it away.


“Don’t talk to me right now Ginny,” he said tightly, keeping his eyes shut.

Ginny bristled at his words, raising her chin. He would have done the same thing for her; he had no right to be angry. Ron and Hermione watched silently; confused by the exchange as Ginny put her hands on her hips. “I’m going to be in my room Harry,” she said tightly but he didn’t respond. “When you’re finished here, I think we need to have a talk don’t you?” He remained silent and still so she turned on her heal and stormed out of the hospital wing. Harry dragged his eyes open and watched her as she left, her hair streaming behind her.

There were a surprising number of students milling around outside the hospital wing, obviously trying to find out what was going on. Apparently someone had seen them bringing Harry in on a stretcher and word had spread like wildfire, prompting the older, more reckless students to sneak out and risk punishment. Ginny barked at them to get back to their common rooms, threatening detention for anyone who so much as hesitated. She passed a group of girls and heard Romilda’s voice whining about whether Harry was alight and she didn’t even look over. She just narrowed her eyes and the back of Romilda’s jumper somehow twisted itself up over her head and into her mouth, muffling her shocked screams until her friends finally had to lead her into the infirmary after no amount of tugging would make it come off. 

Ginny couldn’t help the satisfied smirk that spread across her face for a second as she heard Ron and Hermione’s laughter echo out of the room and down the hall, following her as she walked.


Draco climbed through the trapdoor and into the divination room. He hadn’t been here in several years, having dropped divination as soon as he had the option to choose his own classes. But Hermione had told him that this was where Luna had gone, so here he was, turning in a circle, looking in the shadows until he found her.

She was sitting at a table, absently stroking one of the crystal balls as she looked out the window. He took a step toward her and she looked over at him.

She looked down at the ball as he continued to approach and shook her head sadly. “I think… that I don’t have the sight,” she said softly and he almost smiled.

“Why is that?”

She looked up at him and he reached down, taking her hand from the ball and pulling her up so that she was standing in front of him. “I… I kept seeing you die,” she breathed and her usually serene, light-hearted eyes filled with tears.

He shook his head and smiled at her. “Are you sad that you were wrong? Or that you don’t have the inner eye?”

She smiled and laughed even as a tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. He brought his hand up and wiped it away.

“You know, you really shouldn’t say things like ‘just in case’… it makes it seem like you might not come back,” she said.

“I’ll have to remember that next time,” he murmured softly with a smile.

“Is everyone ok?” she asked and he nodded. 

“Everyone’s fine… can I tell you about it later?”

One Look ~ Harry/Ginny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now