The Gift of Love

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Not my story


The Gift of Love

The rest of Harry's time at the Burrow passed quickly. He spent the days with Ron and Hermione practicing spells and charms by the lake; learning anything they thought would help them. Ginny began joining them, because Harry wanted her to know what they knew, wanted her to be stronger and more able to protect herself, just in case. Both of them were actually having a lot of success with some elementary wandless magic, making things move without their wands. He spent the evenings with Ginny, almost always ending the day curled up by the fire in the den.

A few days before the wedding Ginny asked Harry to meet her in the den after everyone had gone to bed.

When he arrived he found her sitting on the sofa watching the flames in the fireplace. He watched the light reflecting off of her hair for a minute before he entered. He walked up quietly behind her and she turned, smiling up at him. "Hey," she said softly, standing up.

He leaned down and kissed her. "What are we doing here?" he whispered when he brought his head back up. She smiled and led him to the loveseat, sitting him down. "I have something for you," she said.

"Oh yeah?" he said, pulling her onto him. "Am I going to like it?" he asked huskily and she laughed softly as his lips found he neck and she sighed as he kissed her skin, running his hands over her thighs and pulling her closer. It was his turn to sigh though, when she pushed off of him and went around to the other side of the sofa. He crossed his arms and pretended to pout as he craned his neck and watched her but she just laughed at him.

She came back around and sat on the loveseat, tucking her legs under her so that she was sitting facing him. His eyes lit up when he saw that she was holding a cupcake with a candle and he shifted to face her. "What's this?"

"It's your birthday party."

"But it's not my birthday yet love."

"I know that," she said, dipping her finger into the icing, "but you won't be here for you birthday so make a wish."

Harry stared at her for a second. The fire was behind her and it was doing fascinating things to her hair. He took a breath and blew out the candle, keeping his eyes on her face. She smiled and brought her finger to his lips. He opened his mouth and she slipped the tip inside and he closed his lips around it. He saw her eyes sparkle for him as he licked the icing off and she drew her finger out.

"What did you wish for?" she asked, a little breathless.

Harry dipped his own finger into the icing and leaned forward, scooting toward her on the sofa. "I can't tell you," he whispered, "or it won't come true."

"Oh," she managed as he slipped his finger into her mouth. His mouth went dry and all coherent thoughts vanished from his brain as she grabbed his hand, keeping her eyes locked on his as she slid his finger all the way into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it before slowly drawing it out again.

She leaned back against the side of the couch as Harry moved to his knees, leaning over her. "Do you want your present?" she asked when his lips were inches from hers. "Yeah," he nodded, his eyes flashing as he moved his face closer, his lips grazing hers. They kissed almost teasingly, their tongues and lips barely touching as they danced together. When Harry lifted his head a little to look at her Ginny moved to get off the sofa but he stopped her and she looked back up at him. "I'll get it later," he said softly.

He took the cupcake from her and set it on the end table behind her. He dipped his finger into the icing again and brought it to her lips, but when she opened her mouth he put it into his own instead, licking the icing off. Her eyes flashed and he smiled cheekily before kissing her deeply, sharing the sweetness with her.

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