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Harry lay on his side, with his head propped up on his arm, tracing patterns lazily on her arm as they talked. She told him about last year, stories about when she was young, and he told her more about the Dursleys, about the horcruxes, and about his childhood. Some things were important and some things were random, but it didn’t matter. 

Harry was telling her what he felt was an very amusing story about a time when a spider was determined to move in with him under the stairs when Ginny raised her hand to his cheek. “Ron would have freaked,” he was saying when he trailed off, seeing her expression. “What?”

“They’re horrible,” she said, and Harry smiled. 

“They’re not that bad really, I mean, Aragog was horrible, but he was like, a hundred times bigger than this one…”

“Not spiders, you’re family… I’d like to see your cousin live in a cupboard…”

Harry smiled and leaned down and kissed her. “Oh no, Duddykins would never fit,” he joked as he pulled back and her eyes flashed.

“Oh I’d make him fit,” she said and Harry chuckled, capturing her mouth again. “Without magic,” she added as the mood began to shift and they felt the tension begin to build between them.

“Protective are we,” Harry murmured against her lips and she grinned. 


She ran her tongue along his bottom lip and he opened his mouth for her, letting her slip her tongue inside. He groaned softly as she pulled him to her. 

“I love you so much,” Ginny said, moving to kiss his neck. 

“I love you too Gin,” Harry tried to reply, but it came out jumbled. His mouth and mind refused to communicate as he felt her lips on his skin. She rolled him over until he was on his back, and from her position on his chest she could see the hunger in his eyes and feel how much he wanted her. 

“Gin,” he began, but she silenced him with a kiss and gave him a small smile as she sat up and pulled her shirt over her head, shaking her hair out and dropping it onto the bed beside them. He groaned inside, feeling his resolve wavering as he reached out and ran his hands over her stomach. She could feel them shaking as he touched her. 

She reached for his shirt and pulled him up until he was sitting with her straddling his lap. Her arms linked around his neck keeping him close as they kissed, their tongues dipping and exploring, dancing together. As the kiss became harder, more intense, Harry couldn’t help it as his hands moved to her thighs and he pulled her more firmly against him. Ginny moved her hands down his sides and lifted his shirt up, breaking the kiss as he raised his arms, letting her pull it off of him. He’s so beautiful, she thought as she looked at him. 

He tried to keep his breathing steady as she ran her hands over him, feeling the muscles on his stomach and arms. She ran her fingers along the scar Riddle had given him on his chest, trailing soft kisses across it before moving up to his neck. He let out a low moan as she grazed her teeth over his skin and she smiled at his reaction as she continued her attack on his senses.

Ginny trailed her hand down his stomach and along the thin line of hair that disappeared into his jeans. She brought her head up and kissed him, grabbing his bottom lip with her teeth as she began undoing his belt. He brought his hand between them and caught hers, stopping her movement. “You, you don’t have to do this,” he said when she looked up at him. “We can wait…” She kissed him softly and then leaned her head into his chest. 

“You’re right. We should wait. I needed time to trust you,” she sighed, not even trying to hide the disappointment in her voice; a feeling that matched his completely. 

One Look ~ Harry/Ginny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now