Actions Speak Louder

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Ginny didn’t go swimming that day, and when the others arrived back from the lake she seemed a little distracted; a little detached. Hermione pulled her aside and asked if anything was wrong but she just shrugged her off, avoiding her eyes. By the next day however, she seemed to be back to normal and a few days after that Beth went home.

While Beth was there Harry had been pretty successful at keeping his thoughts for Ginny platonic. But now that Beth was gone he found himself more and more in Ginny’s company and he began to grow uneasy because there was nothing to distract him from her beauty, and spirit, and everything else that he had loved about her. He got the feeling that she was trying to avoid him, which shouldn’t have mattered to him, but instead he found himself wondering what she was doing and why she wasn’t doing it with them. 

The first evening without Beth was spent with the four of them sitting around, playing chess and basically doing nothing. Harry and Ginny had a great time teasing Ron and Hermione about their behavior because they seemed unable to sit beside each other without touching in some way. Eventually they left in a good natured huff and Harry and Ginny were left alone, giggling foolishly on the sofa.

They stayed up a little longer and for awhile they talked normally, laughing and joking as they played chess, just enjoying each other’s company. Eventually they gave up the game and just lounged around; Harry draped over the large armchair and Ginny stretched out on the sofa. 

The longer they sat there, the more beautiful Ginny seemed to become to Harry; her eyes sparkling as they joked and talked. These were the first real smiles she had given him since he had returned and he found himself trying to find ways to make her smile, just so that he could see it again.

After awhile they fell into a comfortable silence and sat watching the fire. When Harry began to have trouble keeping his eyes open he glanced over to find Ginny already asleep on the sofa. He watched her for a second before pulling himself out of the chair and walking over to her. He woke her up and they went up to bed, saying goodnight quietly in the hall outside of her room.


A few days after Beth left Hermione finally talked Ginny into joining them at the lake to go swimming. For the first few days she had refused, feeling like the best plan of action was to avoid him. After the night in the den she felt like she had Harry overload; her ability to stick to the friends routine hanging by a thread.

When she got to the lake the others were already in the water messing around. She pulled her hair up into a knot on top of her head and walked carefully to the edge, watching as Harry and Ron continued splashing each other. 

“Come on Gin,” Ron called, “what’s the matter, afraid to get wet?” Ginny put her hands on her hips and walked into the water as Hermione and Harry grinned at each other, taking Ron’s comment as a clue. They began using their arms to throw water at her as she moved. She threw up her arms, twisting away as they splashed.

“Hey, stop! Three on one isn’t fair!”

“Aww, come on Gin, you have arms, splash back if you don’t like it,” Harry called with a laugh. Ron however, didn’t think it was as funny, seeing Ginny’s eyes flash as she raised her eyebrow. 

“Hey wait, guys stop,” he said, knowing what was coming. “Gin wait! It wasn’t me! I wasn’t in on it!” he yelled as she threw her arms up, but it was too late. 

Water shot towards the trio as a wave formed in front of Ginny. Hermione and Harry’s eyes widened for a second before it crashed over them, pulling them under the water as it moved across the lake. When they finally got back to the surface they were practically on the other shore and Ginny was treading water across from them, smirking.

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