The Trouble With Tutors

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Ginny knew that Harry meant it when he said he would see her soon, but “soon” came much sooner than Ginny expected. 

The next day she was sitting in transfiguration, trying half heartedly to focus. She was resting her arm on the table, holding her head in her hand while she doodled in the margin of her book. She had really and truly tried to pay attention at first but had soon given up, her mind determined to focus on Harry. She heard the door of the room open but didn’t bother to look up. “Ow! What?” she whispered when Luna elbowed her hard in the ribs. Luna nodded to the front of the classroom and Ginny looked up to see Headmistress McGonagall, Harry, Ron and Hermione standing at the front of the room.

She straightened up as her eyes widened and her stomach fluttered at the sight of him. His eyes found hers and he smiled swiftly, his eyes twinkling at her before turning his attention back to McGonagall. 

“… and so Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger will be joining your class and several others until your exams,” she was saying. When she finished with explanations she motioned the trio to the table at the back of the room before turning to speak quietly with Professor Muniss, the new transfiguration teacher. Ginny watched the trio walk past her and they all smiled at her. Her arm tingled where Harry brushed against her as he passed.

She turned around and gave them a look demanding to know why she hadn’t been told about this but quickly turned back around when McGonagall began to speak again. 

“Our three additions will each need someone to help them catch up on what they have missed so if I could get three volunteers…” 

Hermione rolled her eyes as she saw all of the female hands shoot up in the room and she turned to Harry with a smirk but he just shrugged sheepishly. 

“Hey,” Ron whispered to her. “They don’t all want Harry,” he mumbled irritably. Hermione looked around and was surprised to see several girls openly staring at Ron. She stiffened and leaned in, kissing him on the cheek before glaring at the room in general, as though warning them off. Ron smiled and took her hand, drawing it towards him and playing absently with her fingers, pleased with her protective response.

They already knew the specifics so they didn’t really listen as McGonagall explained the situation; about how the tutor would help them in all of the classes, not just this one… but their heads snapped up and their mouths dropped when they heard McGonagall begin to pick their tutors. “Ah, Miss Vane, thank you, if you could help Mr. Potter, Miss Anderson, if you could help Miss Granger and Miss Weston, you help Mr. Weasley.” 

None of them listened past the first set of names. Ron and Hermione’s eyes shot to Harry and they followed his gaze, which was fixed on Ginny’s back. They could practically see the tension radiating off of her suddenly stiff and upright form. 

Harry barely stifled a groan when he heard who was paired with him. Romilda Vane? You’ve got to be kidding. He looked around until he saw her. She was glowing and looked like someone had just given her a million quid.

When the class ended Harry made his way to the hall with Ron and Hermione. They saw Ginny leaning against the wall waiting for them and Harry walked straight to her. He slipped his hand into hers as he leaned his body into her and kissed her. “I’ll fix it,” he said, squeezing her hand, but she just huffed.

“Miss me?” he asked and she broke into a smile and nodded as he moved his free hand to her waist. “Yeah?” he asked, breaking into a grin as he leaned closer, mirroring her nod.

“Mhmm,” she managed as he kissed her. “Miss me?” she asked as he pulled back and his eyes flashed.

“Desperately,” he murmured as he found her mouth again. Hermione smirked at them while Ron’s face began to turn crimson with mounting horror as he watched Harry press her into the wall, molding their bodies together as their kisses became increasingly less chaste and in his opinion, certainly not appropriate for the corridor.

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