Too Good To Last

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It was early in the morning on the last Saturday before Christmas break.

Ginny’s eyes fluttered open and she stretched, turning her face away from the offensive stream of sunlight falling on her eyes. She glared at the window before turning away from it and toward Harry, who was sleeping peacefully beside her and she watched him for a minute.

She smiled and pulled herself up until she was on her knees beside him and she leaned across him, grabbing her wand off of the table. She twirled it in her fingers for a second, debating with herself before flicking it toward him and the t-shirt he was wearing disappeared. He shifted in his sleep, turning his head to the side as she bit her lip.

She leaned down but at the last minute rose back up and flicked her wand at her mouth and then his, rolling her eyes at herself and biting her lip to keep from laughing aloud as he shifted again, turning his head and smacking his lips a little as the charm hit him.

She leaned down again and began to nibble on his ear. “Wake up Harry,” she whispered and he shifted away, trying to move away from the sound. “Harry,” she purred again running her tongue along the edge and this time he swatted his hand at his ear as he shifted, as though trying to wave off a bug.

Resting her hands on either side of him, Ginny climbed on top of him and plopped down on his stomach. Harry’s eyes flew open with a grunt that quickly became a groan as his eyes closed and he turned away. “It’s too earrrly,” he groaned as she leaned down and began kissing his jaw.

“Wake up Harry,” Ginny said softly but he shook his head, grumbling at her to let him sleep but she just smiled.

She shifted down and began kissing his chest, trailing her fingers up and down his sides.

“Ginnnnyyy, stop. I want… sleep… early,” he grumbled, using his hands to push at hers and she sat up, undeterred.

“Are you sure you want to sleep Harry?” she asked, biting her lip again as she slipped her hand behind her and between his legs.

Harry’s eyes shot open and he bolted up with a surprised yelp, grabbing her hand and lacing his fingers through hers as she laughed at him. He groaned and leaned his head onto her shoulder. “Why do you hate me? I’m sleepy….”

She chuckled and brought her free hand to his head, playing with his hair. “I don’t hate you, I love you,” she said lightly, kissing his cheek. “And I want you to wake up because we are celebrating,” she said and he groaned again.

“I’m afraid to ask why,” he replied into her shoulder, his words muffled by her shirt.

“We’re celebrating you love.”

Harry sighed and after a second he dragged his head up; knowing the fight to sleep was useless. He focused on her, his shoulders hunched and his head tilted back a he looked at her, his eyes droopy. “I give up… why are we celebrating me?”

“Because,” she said, kissing him. “You haven’t had any nightmares in a month.”

Harry blinked at her as it dawned on him that she was right and he began to smile. “I haven’t have I,” he acknowledged and she shook her head. “What have you done to me Miss Weasley?” he asked and she shrugged her shoulder before leaning into him. 

“I am amazingly talented,” she murmured as she kissed him and he arched his brow, pulling back, suddenly much more away. 

“Really,” he asked, beginning to smile and her face flushed.

“I meant, I didn’t mean…” she stuttered but he cut her off. 

“Oh no,” he said, pulling her up against him. “I happen to agree love,” he said. “I think you are very talented.”

One Look ~ Harry/Ginny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now