Like Father - Like Son

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Harry stepped into the fire at the burrow, eager to get to Ginny. He had stayed up late with Ron and decided to sleep at the burrow instead of going back Hogwarts. He hadn't slept well though, and woke up ridiculously early. He hadn't been able to get back to sleep so he figured he would just go ahead and get to her. The Green flames flared up and threw him back rudely though, and he landed on the floor, covered with soot a second after he stepped in. He gave the fireplace an affronted look as he hauled himself to his feet and brushed himself off. She couldn't possibly be mad at me for staying here, he thought. Not enough to block me out of her room.

He went back upstairs and grabbed his invisibility cloak before returning and trying again, this time heading for the fireplace in the head office that they were supposed to be using and it worked fine. He pulled his cloak around him and headed to the tower, moving silently through the dark halls.

He entered Ginny's room and walked to the bed but frowned when she wasn't in it. He heard the shower going and looked down at his watch. It was five in the morning, why was she up? He went and knocked on the door but she didn't answer.

He knocked again and when he didn't get a response he opened the door and went in, walking up to the shower. He called her name but again she didn't answer and he frowned.

"Ginny?" he called louder but still nothing. He hesitated, trying to figure out why she would be angry with him when he realized he wasn't just hearing the water running. It sounded like someone was...

He pulled the curtain back and found Ginny sitting in the shower, her arms wrapped around her knees, sobbing as the water ran over her. She was wearing his shirt, the one she just flat refused to give back to him but he couldn't see her face because she had it buried in her arms, her hair plastered to her as she rocked back and forth. Harry didn't even think about it as he jumped, fully clothed into the shower and sank down next to her.

When he touched her she jerked back with a cry, scooting away from him. What was going on?

She launched herself into his arms a second later though, when she realized it was him. The tile was slick and he slipped as he caught her, falling back into the direct stream of the water. This seemed to splash some sense into him and he reached back, quickly turning the shower off.

Her sobs seemed to echo in the suddenly quiet room as she clung to him. She was probably the only thing making any noise in the entire castle, save the house elves who were already busy preparing breakfast in the kitchens.

"Ginny," Harry said as he peeled her arms away from his neck, trying to move her so that he could see her. "What happened?"

She pulled away from him and his face darkened as he looked at her. His shirt was ripped down the front and her skin was raw, almost bleeding beneath it. Her cheeks and neck were red and so were her arms and thighs and Harry felt his heart begin to pound as he looked back up at her face. "What - happened."

"I... I had to get him off of me..." she murmured, looking down at her body and Harry's eyes widened. She did this to herself?! He cupped her face in his hand and brought her head up until she was looking at him.

"Who? Get who off? What happened? Talk to me Ginny."

"He was here."

"Who was here?" Harry felt a helpless anger building inside of him. Someone had hurt her...I wasn't here and someone had... it suddenly hit him. Malfoy.

"Oh God Ginny... did he... did he..." he trailed off, afraid to say it out loud. His vision blurred but she shook her head no, and relief flooded into him.

One Look ~ Harry/Ginny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now