Not Over It

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It was summer when they returned. A year after they had left. Ron led the way up the path to his house, with Harry and Hermione following silently. A mixture of excitement and nerves filled each of them as they approached the familiar front door of the Burrow. I wonder if she’s here Harry thought, but quickly pushed the thoughts from his mind and focused on seeing the rest of the Weasleys… the Weasleys he cared about.

Hermione glanced at Harry, seeing his troubled look, and wondered what he was thinking. She knew something had happened with Ginny, although she had never had the courage to ask for specifics; his anger and pain seemed too intense at the time, and then… well; now she wished she knew what they would be walking into.

“I can’t believe they turned off the fireplace,” Ron grumbled for the hundredth time since realizing they would have to apparate and then actually walk to the front door and knock at his house. 

“Well Ronald,” Hermione responded, her previous worries forgotten, “I suppose they could have left it on for you… on the off chance that we chose to floo home at some point over the last year. But I would not be the one consoling you if they had been killed by death-eaters who came through it because they left it on for you.”

Yes Mione” He replied with a sigh, since that had been her response each and every time he had complained. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against him, kissing her swiftly. “Please, stop saying that…” 

She smiled. “You first,” she said, taking his hand and continuing to walk. Harry smiled at his friends, their familiar banter easing his nerves as they got to the door. He had had a slight urge to throw up since he had seen the house. Damn he thought with a frown.

They were greeted with huge hugs and tears by the Weasley family. Charlie and Bill weren’t there, but Fred and George had come home for supper and provided a nice spur of the moment welcome home party in the living room — complete with fireworks — much to Mrs. Weasley’s dismay. 


“Where’s Ginny?” Ron asked after awhile, pulling himself out of yet another hug from his mother. “Please tell me she still lives here; I couldn’t bare it if she has gotten her own place while I’ll still be stuck here.” 

“Of course she still lives here,” his mother retorted. “She still has a year of school left… And what is wrong with here Ronald Weasley? Surrounded by your family, why I can think of no better place to be...”

“She’s out with some boy from school — Logan something,” Mr. Weasley said while his wife continued her mini tirade as she headed back into the kitchen for more snacks. Ron and Hermione both glanced at Harry at this news, but he showed no signs of having heard. He was on the other side of the room listening to Fred and George talk about their newest products and newly opened Paris store. 

Although he was outwardly cheerful, Harry hadn’t heard the last few seconds of the conversation. He had heard Mr. Weasley and suddenly felt numb. She’s on a date.He reached up and touched the pendant he had tied around his neck. Touching it soothed the anger that had surged within him and he forced his mind back to the conversation. 

As the celebrations continued inside, the petite red head apperated into the yard, followed by a nice-looking blonde with a cocky stride. 

“I had a nice time tonight Logan,” she said as they walked up to the door. “Thanks again, I always love muggle movies.”

“Anytime Ginny,” he replied, taking her hand in his as they reached the porch. “You know,” he said in a seductive voice, pulling her towards him slightly, “I really like you Gin. We could stay out here and… talk for awhile if you want.” Most girls would have melted, but not Ginny. She wasn’t naïve about things like this anymore.

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