What You Made Me

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Harry made his way quietly down the stairs to the den. The encounter at the shop had made him antsy and Ginny's words of scorn kept running through his head; an unwanted reminder of her feelings, or lack there of anyway. Unable to sleep and equally unable to stand Ron’s snoring, he had decided to try toread for a while. He had been reading a mindless mystery and was actually looking forward to the last couple of chapters, but his mood was ruined as he entered the dark familiar room. He knew she was there before he saw her. Somehow he could just feel her.

Ginny sat curled on the couch watching the fire. She had on striped pajama pants and a white tank top, her freckled shoulders peeking out from under her hair. You almost could have missed her small frame, if it wasn’t for her hair. It glowed in the firelight, the flames dancing through the waves that hung down her back. There was a time when she had been beautiful to him… He could have watched the light play across her face and hair all night, but now the sight of her ignited the familiar ache. It was a feeling he didn’t like, a feeling he hadn’t felt in months and he didn’t want it.

He was angry with her, and seeing her beauty made his anger grow. He started to turn around but he stopped when she turned her head towards him, catching his gaze. “What, afraid to be in a room with me Harry?” she said. She had felt him come into the room before she saw him. She saw his eyes flash at her words and knew she was intentionally baiting him, but somehow making him angry made her feel better. 

She watched him as he moved back into the room. The dark room made his dark plaid pajama pants seem almost black but she could still make out the faded lion on his old Gryffindor t-shirt. “No,” he said, “I’m not afraid, I just don’t want to be in a room with you.” Ginny felt a pang of sadness as his words hit home but she pushed it down, raising her chin. They glared at each other for moment before she stood up. 

“Well,” she said coldly as she walked towards him, “I can’t think of a reason why I would want to be with you either, so I’ll leave you to it.” 

She tried to walk by him but he grabbed her arm, stopping her movement. “Let go of me,” she said in a low voice, looking at his hand on her arm. 

“Are you sure?” he taunted her, his eyes flashing as she looked back up. He was angry with her for what she had said to him earlier at the shop and offended that she would act like he had wronged her in someway. She had hurt him, not the other way around. 

“If I’m not mistaken you used to like it when I touched you…” Her eyes narrowed and she jerked her arm but he just tightened his grip, keeping her close. 

“Well now you make me sick,” she said. 

He leaned his face into hers and said, “Well that’s good because you make me sick too.” They stood there, glaring at each other…

It was a weird sensation for both of them as they looked into the eyes of the other, feeling the attraction that was still there mix with the anger they felt. Before either could really think about it they were kissing, and neither was sure who had moved first. Ginny knew she should pull away, this is Harry for God’s sake, she thought, I don’t want to kiss Harry — hex him into next week maybe, but not kiss him… but her body didn’t seem to agree and instead she leaned in, pressing her lips more firmly against his. It was all the invitation he needed.

Ginny opened her mouth to his tongue with a small moan as he pulled her roughly against him, deepening the kiss. It was as if their anger had heightened their attraction and they clung to each other, each giving in to heat that had erupted between them. It was like lightening. Ginny’s arms went around his neck and Harry’s hands moved quickly down her back, grabbing the back of her thighs and lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around him as he backed her forcefully against the wall. 

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