Unable to See

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The day after Harry’s party Ginny went to Diagon Alley to have an early lunch with Luna. Luna always ate early, something about the Smurgen Rollenstags in food that became active between 12 and 5 and caused you to hallucinate, or something like that. Ginny had honestly never really paid much attention to the reasoning; she just nodded and smiled, enjoying Luna’s company despite her quirks.

She got home around noon and didn’t find anyone in the house. She figured they were swimming so she put on her suit and grabbed a towel.

As she approached the lake, the only person she saw was Harry. He was sitting on a towel watching the water. There was a book beside him but he wasn’t reading it. She could tell he hadn’t been out of the water long because his hair was still wet and his shirt was off. Ginny felt her stomach flutter as her eyes moved over him. He was tan and lean, and it was obvious that he worked out, his skin smooth over his toned body. Eventually he noticed her movement and looked over.

Oh no Harry groaned inwardly when he saw her. She was walking towards him with a towel and sun block. She had on a simple, and little, green bikini with tiny yellow flowers. It sets off her hair perfectly he thought grumpily as he turned back towards the water.

“Where is everyone?” Ginny asked as she reached him, looking around.

“They went to Diagon Alley,” he replied. “Where have you been?” Ginny studied him for a second. He sounded annoyed.

“I went to lunch with Luna. Why didn’t you go with them?” Ginny asked as she laid her towel down beside him and sat down.

“Remus owled that he was coming by to see me so I had to wait for him. I didn’t feel like trying to find them in the shops, so I figured I would just stay here.”

They fell into a comfortable silence as he watched the water and she began putting on the sun block she had brought with her from the house.

Harry tried not to watch her, but felt his gaze drawn towards her, watching the gold highlights in her hair beckon him as she moved. He suddenly wished she was closer so that he could touch it. He shook his head, feeling like a prat for thinking that when he had Beth. Even so his eyes followed her hands as they rubbed lotion on her legs, making circles on her thighs. He had the sudden image that they were his hands and heat rushed to his stomach as his imagination became anything but innocent. He swallowed convulsively and dragged his protesting eyes back to the water.

After a few minutes she got up and tossed the lotion to him as she sat down in front of him. She crossed her legs and pulled her hair over her shoulder. It really has gotten long, Harry thought as he watched the multitude of colors erupt as she moved it. It fell almost to her elbows and curled softly in thick waves. Pull yourself together man, its just hair — think of Beth.

This isn’t wrong… she can’t reach her back he reasoned. We’re trying to be friends after all, so I have no reason to feel guilty. Even he wasn’t dense enough to believe that, but he tried to convince himself of it anyway.

“What did Remus say?” she asked as he began rubbing lotion on her back.

“Nothing good. Apparently the aurors were attacked and the guy from the shop got away before they could question him. The only thing they got from him was that he worked for Voldemort, and he didn’t say who he was working for now. Whoever it is must really not want to be found to risk attacking the aurors.”

“Why did they wait so long to tell you he had gotten away?” she asked as he ran his hands across her shoulders and then down the back of her arms. She leaned forward slightly as he moved his hands farther and farther down her back.

One Look ~ Harry/Ginny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now