Lloyd x Aylin

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This is an Oc one shot for @babykates93 hope you enjoy it
Aylin P.O.V
Ah Winter in Ninjago City is just perfect. The cool air blows my black hair. Freshly fallen snow crunches under my feet. Hand in Hand with my boyfriend Lloyd. Nothing is better than this. While walking I felt the warmth of Lloyd's hand disappear. I quickly look back to see him on one knee.. Could this be...Lloyd asking me...
"I'll catch up Aylin, Just going to tie my shoe" he said interrupting my thoughts.
"Oh uh OK" I replied. Ahh man i thought he was gonna ask me. While continuing to walk I heard Lloyd snicker. I ignored it and kept walking. Then I heard it again.
"What Lloyd, what's funny?" I asked concerned.
"Nothing its just you butt looks big in them leggings" he teased.
My face went red..I quickly turned and just kept walking.
"In a good way though" he finished.
"Your lucky I'm not in the mood to hit you" I said giving him a smirk.
While walking and Lloyd catching up I felt the sidewalk get slippery. I quickly slowed down and tried to balance but I failed. I fell letting a little squeal escape my mouth. I waited for impact but nothing happened. Lloyd caught me with his quick reflexes and slowly lifted me up.
"Its OK I got you princess" he said giving me a warm smile. God damn he was hot.
"Thank you Lloyd" I said giving him a peck on the lips.
A pink blush crept across his face.
Yep nothing is better than this!!

So I finally finished it...it took me awhile because wattpad didn't save my draft so I had to rewrite... YOU HAD ONE JOB WATTPAD ONE JOB. Anyway hope you enjoyed it.

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